This weekend was the
Anniversary of Joe’s first race ever... last year at this time Joe ran his first running race ever..
the Shamrock 8K......this year he ran it again and sliced approximately 8+ minutes off his time and beat me by over TWO minutes... JEEZ US!!!
The race started at 8am and it was a cold 35 degrees.. winds around 10-13 mph....we opted for long sleeve shirts but shorts... there was a bit of muscle freeze while standing waiting to start..BOY CANT WAIT FOR SPRING.. UM it is Spring...
We carefully placed ourselves upfront in the 7-8 min miler section... so did a lot of people
(HOW should I say this nicely)...People that should NOT be up there....
After the start....the front group had to weave in and out of people who were "not out to win" that for sure.. and some were even walking! WHAT ARE THEY DOING LINE UP FRONT!!!??
...EXCUSE ME....
(WTF you doing uphere?)...SORRY
...(GET the F@$%^ out of the way)... PARDON ME...
(MORON).... lightly phusha outta the way... and so on..
.... I don’t understand why anyone would place themselves upfront and proceed to get trampled by the faster runners...thats just asking for trouble.. and most times the race directors explain this to the people in the beginning of a race... for those who dont seem to "UNDERSTAND"... Cardinal rule in running . ...line up at your pace... meaning if you are a 12 min miler ...line up in the back.. if you dont know.. most certainly dont line up front with the Kenyans who run sub 5!!
Joe said it took a little bit to catch me... yeah that’s because I am all gun ho and sh-t at the beginning.. by mile 1.. Joe had maneuvered a second or so lead on me... I clocked the first mile in at 7.02.
We passed someone preaching something about damnation and holding a rather large sign that said, "HIGHWAY TO HELL".... I think he was trying to say something about the way people were living their lives...and he looked a cross between Charles Manson and Moses.... Of course someone who was running behind me started singing ...Highway to Hell from AC/DC..
....bunch of S-I-N-N-E-R-S...
I was still feeling F-R-E-S-H and realized that perhaps I should be a 2 mile specialist because by the time I cleared 2 miles in 14.45 (7.22 pace)... I was ready to be done.. oops...
We rounded a corner at mile 2 and right into the wind... I tried to position myself to draft off someone but ALAS no one is around me... for some reason NO ONE runs around me.. they either PASS ME or I pass them but can’t seem to have anyone to pace off of or block the wind for me..
NOW Joe on the other hand said he drafted off people all the way up the board walk..shielding him from the wind... NICE... he said that there is an advantage to his size!! .... At this point Joe had a strong lead on me that I lost sight of him.
The wind just cooked me... I clocked in at mile 3 at 22.53 (7.37 pace) and the garmin was picking up the mile markers exactly....
Then an “OLDER” lady with grey hair passed me.... I resounded to the fact that if I wanted to finish.. I needed to cut out this baby shit and get with the program.. I cleared 4 miles in 31.10 (7.47 pace)... way off what I wanted but still good enough.
We were getting ready to round the next turn when a big old guy cut me off making me almost stop...with a double step and it's ok there buddy..
(glad you can beat a girl.. F_ idiot...) ...there was less than a half mile to go... no one really passed me at this point.. I did try and smile at camera on way in while sprinting pass two girls will see what THAT WILL LOOK LIKE.. ... I ended with 39.11.
I thought this year's change of the course was a bit tougher but my time was only a few seconds off last year's time.. so I should be pleased.
JOE just smashed his time.. he chipped in at 36.54 (7.25 pace)>> YOZZA... Joe finished in a phenomenal time.... He is floating on clouds right now.. he cant believe how well he did.. I can believe it.. I KNEW IT was in him... HE IS the torpedo ....