Thursday, June 11th

Heading to the beach to spend a week with the parents in the camper ...and well in route I ran a race...
Have you ever wanted to do something you had a problem justifying..... but when you could justify..... well...you just had to take advantage of that opportunity??
See I had always wanted to run the Dover Mile... ever since I had started running three years ago... I would place it on the calendar ..but could never justify taking off early from work and driving the hour and 25 mins to Dover to run a mile and then back...
But then this year, I had the perfect opportunity to do so. I was heading to the beach after work on Thursday afternoon and well ....I would pass right by Dover... and VIOLA.. same evening as the Dover Mile... sweet!
The venue was ok.. I arrived way too early and had to wait around for well over two hours.. the race didnt start until 7PM... and I found the simple thing of them NOT having any port-a-pots or places to go potty a bit distressing especially since I had been in the car for almost an hour and a half and drinking water... They said that some of the local store merchants may let me potty.. nice... of course I couldn’t find a local store that looked open..double nice.... but I did find the local library in my mile walk to the starting line. Is a mile REALLY THAT FREAKING LONG...?! jeez...
The mile course was straight up Main Street and was mostly flat and only a slight incline for the first quarter mile....they would run the woman and men Masters together after the sub-masters...by the time they actually started our race it was 7:20pm.. and I was starved from missing dinner...
We started off fast.. by the half mile marker I was 2nd place female... and had a glimmer of hope that I may have a chance to catch the women’s leader... but no sooner did that glimmer pop in my head it went WHIPPING BACK OUT...
My legs turned to lead and it took everything I could to stay upright. In the last few yards I was passed by three guys.. like I was standing still...and I was almost caught at the finish shoot by the third place

I am still confused on how they can add 8 seconds to my finish time.. I mean the giant red line on the ground with the clock over it... . should that not be the finish line..!!??? yes..IT IS... but when I crossed at 6.48... they didn’t stop timer.....they have me down for 6.56... how do you add 8 seconds???? I don’t know I am getting sick of the differences in timing..
That’s why I much rather prefer chip timing.. it much more accurate then allowing some old crony to click u finished... ...whatever..I placed 1st in age group.. I will take it!!! ...So now to figure out what to get into next... oh and to get myself to the beach.....
Friday, June 12th
Wake up to the sound of the TV and to my parents chatting away excessively.. and them wondering why I am soo grouchy WHEN I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet...I am soo not used to having to talk to anyone instantly upon arising nor am I used to so much noise so early.... !! It's raining but I am happy... I am at the beach and Joe will be down tonight!......
Do you believe in Voodoo... ??....well... I need it to work.. .. to turn someone into a toad... there is a guy who works the booth here at the camp site.. he is a mean, nasty, arrogant man.. th

In the many, many years that I have been coming to this campground (20 years now)... I have seen him belittle, humiliate, and ridicule people.. and if you stand up to him, you are kicked out of the camp ground...he almost threw us out a few years ago.. I refuse to look at the bastard.. unfortunately I still have to register when I come in and well.. I need the voodoo... perhaps turning him into an eel would be better than a frog...
When I made the comment the other day that there are some people I would not save.. this would definitely be one of them... he better hope he never needs it... oops I am sorry.. need a hand... yeah....
Saturday, June 13th
My three nephews came to the beach to stay in the camper with us for the the weekend... so now it's Dad, Mom, Joe, the three Nephews, and I.....scrunched up....sleeping was less than optimal... see.. there are two bunk beds in back... Nephew #2 took the top bunk.. Joe and I shared the slightly “larger” bottom bunk... Nephew #1 and Nephew #3 got the table that turned into bed.. while the parents got their reg larger bed...
Joe was sick so I didnt want to face his direction and breathe his contaminated air... lord knows I cant get sick prior to the race...so thus my face was like 2 inches from a wall. it was either evil air or wall...
But then Nephew #2 had a nightmare and ended up coming down to our bunk... sleeping with Joe and I ....which truthfully the bottom bunk was not large enough for one regular person let alone two adults and a small troll. So at this point I was boxed between the wall, evil air and legs crunched up so Nephew #2 could sleep peacefully. I felt like I was sleeping in a coffin.. I must of laid there looking at the celling for hours... and somehow got a few minutes sleep and then it was morning...
I was suppose to do a 5K Race in Lewis at 8am... I had yet to tell Joe that's what I was going to do.. because I know he would freak out on me for even THINKING of racing a 5K before my Eagleman Triathlon... so it serves me right trying to sneak... and I was still laying in bed when my girlfriend called at 7:30 am asking where I was.. sigh.... oh well..I think Joe and I are heading over to Cambridge now... I will sleep in the car.....
My second Half Eagleman Iroman Triathlon would start in less than 12 hours..