Sunday, June 21, 2009

Before I Forget

Random writings ....from BEFORE Eagleman...

Thursday, June 11th
Heading to the beach to spend a week with the parents in the camper ...and well in route I ran a race...

Have you ever wanted to do something you had a problem justifying..... but when you could justify..... just had to take advantage of that opportunity??

See I had always wanted to run the Dover Mile... ever since I had started running three years ago... I would place it on the calendar ..but could never justify taking off early from work and driving the hour and 25 mins to Dover to run a mile and then back...

But then this year, I had the perfect opportunity to do so. I was heading to the beach after work on Thursday afternoon and well ....I would pass right by Dover... and VIOLA.. same evening as the Dover Mile... sweet!

The venue was ok.. I arrived way too early and had to wait around for well over two hours.. the race didnt start until 7PM... and I found the simple thing of them NOT having any port-a-pots or places to go potty a bit distressing especially since I had been in the car for almost an hour and a half and drinking water... They said that some of the local store merchants may let me potty.. nice... of course I couldn’t find a local store that looked open..double nice.... but I did find the local library in my mile walk to the starting line. Is a mile REALLY THAT FREAKING LONG...?! jeez...

The mile course was straight up Main Street and was mostly flat and only a slight incline for the first quarter mile....they would run the woman and men Masters together after the the time they actually started our race it was 7:20pm.. and I was starved from missing dinner...

We started off fast.. by the half mile marker I was 2nd place female... and had a glimmer of hope that I may have a chance to catch the women’s leader... but no sooner did that glimmer pop in my head it went WHIPPING BACK OUT...

My legs turned to lead and it took everything I could to stay upright. In the last few yards I was passed by three guys.. like I was standing still...and I was almost caught at the finish shoot by the third place girl .. she clocked in a second behind me.

I am still confused on how they can add 8 seconds to my finish time.. I mean the giant red line on the ground with the clock over it... . should that not be the finish line..!!??? yes..IT IS... but when I crossed at 6.48... they didn’t stop timer.....they have me down for 6.56... how do you add 8 seconds???? I don’t know I am getting sick of the differences in timing..

That’s why I much rather prefer chip timing.. it much more accurate then allowing some old crony to click u finished... ...whatever..I placed 1st in age group.. I will take it!!! ...So now to figure out what to get into next... oh and to get myself to the beach.....

Friday, June 12th
Wake up to the sound of the TV and to my parents chatting away excessively.. and them wondering why I am soo grouchy WHEN I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet...I am soo not used to having to talk to anyone instantly upon arising nor am I used to so much noise so early.... !!
It's raining but I am happy... I am at the beach and Joe will be down tonight!......

Do you believe in Voodoo... ??....well... I need it to work.. .. to turn someone into a toad... there is a guy who works the booth here at the camp site.. he is a mean, nasty, arrogant man.. the fact that he has not had a heart attack or stroke because of his unkempt slothful ways truly amazes me... and the fact that he is still employed by the Delaware State Parks also amazes me...

In the many, many years that I have been coming to this campground (20 years now)... I have seen him belittle, humiliate, and ridicule people.. and if you stand up to him, you are kicked out of the camp ground...he almost threw us out a few years ago.. I refuse to look at the bastard.. unfortunately I still have to register when I come in and well.. I need the voodoo... perhaps turning him into an eel would be better than a frog...

When I made the comment the other day that there are some people I would not save.. this would definitely be one of them... he better hope he never needs it... oops I am sorry.. need a hand... yeah....

Saturday, June 13th
My three nephews came to the beach to stay in the camper with us for the the weekend... so now it's Dad, Mom, Joe, the three Nephews, and I.....scrunched up....sleeping was less than optimal... s
ee.. there are two bunk beds in back... Nephew #2 took the top bunk.. Joe and I shared the slightly “larger” bottom bunk... Nephew #1 and Nephew #3 got the table that turned into bed.. while the parents got their reg larger bed...

Joe was sick so I didnt want to face his direction and breathe his contaminated air... lord knows I cant get sick prior to the thus my face was like 2 inches from a wall. it was either evil air or wall...

But then Nephew #2 had a nightmare and ended up coming down to our bunk... sleeping with Joe and I ....which truthfully the bottom bunk was not large enough for one regular person let alone two adults and a small troll. So at this point I was boxed between the wall, evil air and legs crunched up so Nephew #2 could sleep peacefully. I felt like I was sleeping in a coffin.. I must of laid there looking at the celling for hours... and somehow got a few minutes sleep and then it was morning...

I was suppose to do a 5K Race in Lewis at 8am... I had yet to tell Joe that's what I was going to do.. because I know he would freak out on me for even THINKING of racing a 5K before my Eagleman Triathlon... so it serves me right trying to sneak... and I was still laying in bed when my girlfriend called at 7:30 am asking where I was.. sigh.... oh well..I think Joe and I are heading over to Cambridge now... I will sleep in the car.....

My second Half Eagleman Iroman Triathlon would start in less than 12 hours..

Friday, June 19, 2009

Eagleman Half Ironman 2009

Eagleman 2009

Sunday, June 14th
Eagleman Half Ironman Triathlon (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run)

SWIM: 58:47
BIKE: 3:24:55 (16.5 mph)
RUN: 2:18:12 (10.30 pace)
FINISH 6:51:17

We were up at 4:30am and heading to transition by 5:15am. The morning was a bit cloudy and the storm the previous night had cooled the water so now wetsuits were legal for sure. I should listen to Joe more often... but for some reason probably the same reason Joe does not listen to me, I did not listen to him and it almost cost me my swim.

See I changed my goggles at the last minute.. I am saying 5 minutes before I was to go off in my wave I choose to switch my goggles.. originally I was going to wear my tinted goggles but then decided they were too dark and thought my swim mask would be better..

I had used the swim mask when I did the full ironman swim (2.4 miles).. so it should do well for this swim (1.2 miles)... when Joe said that there was a space that water could get in .. and I said I used them for Chessy Man (don’t bother me) .. I should have listened to him... as soon as I switched my goggles, my wave was called and I was in the water warming up.. water was nice.. not cold at all.. as soon as I put my face in water with goggles I noticed water filled them.. and I didn’t have time to tighten them or get them to lock and we were off.. SHIT!!!

I swam two strokes and my goggles were COMPLETELY filled with water.. I stopped and emptied them.. and off again.. and then three strokes and stop.. I did this for a bit then I thought about taken them off completely and tried that but that didn’t work.. and so back on they were... I was SOO F-‘ed! .....I barely made it to the first buoy and I wanted to cry... the entire field but me and this other gal were heading away...

Finally I determined if I would just close my eyes completely even when I had my eyes up out of the water (because there was so much water in the goggles) that I could just ignore the water until I needed to site the next buoy.. then I would just stop and empty them. That appeared to work for a bit until I was run over by a couple torpedoes..

Just when I got comfortable in my rhythm I was literally run the F_ over by the men in the wave behind me and they were fast swimmers.... you cant tell me they didn’t see a giant pink cap in front of them...especially since they have to watch for the next buoy... they just don’t care.. why should they.. I am insignificant to their quest... I personally like mass starts better the faster swimmers are in front and don’t run you over.. when they place faster swimmers in waves behind you its just freaking horrible getting punched in the head and swam over...

After most of the yellow caps were past and I got my heart rate back to almost normal and back into a rhythm of swimming blind and then emptying the goggles ....I almost gave up... I thought for sure that I was not making time cut off... and I so I started to doubt why I should continue on..

But I am not a quitter and I figured I would tough this out.. this is one thing in races.. DON’T EVER THINK it's over.... because you never know... when I was coming in the chop was so bad every time I tried to take a breath I swallowed water... F_!!!.... I need to remember to learn to bilateral breathe (breathe on other side)..

I was last out of the water for my age group.. #86 out of 86..(not sure whatever happen to that other gal I left behind.. perhaps they just picked her up with a boat?)... but I looked at my time and was pleasantly surprise.. no I was FREAKING ASTOUNDED that it was only around 4 minutes worse than last year!.... I couldn’t believe it.. I mean it felt like I was out there FOREVER ... So NEVER GIVE UP!

But I was kinda mad.. mad that I hadn’t listen to Joe.. Mad that I almost F- up my entire swim wearing defective goggles...note to self.. maybe listen to Joe more..

On the way to transition we encountered large vats of mud... and I am not talking a little mud..but large quantities.. enough to cover your foot to the ankle ....if you stepped right.. I stepped right..

I took my time in transition.. I wanted to make sure I got out on the bike and did well.. the bike is usually a good strength of mine... and off I go... I was feeling not too bad... and keeping up a good pace...I knew since coming out of the swim in near last place or last place in my age group there weren’t many people behind me... and so once again I was in the back of the pack.. but it was ok.. I mean mostly being in the back you ride alone.. not seeing many other competitors but the ones you do are usually quite pleasant and nice.. I mean back here.. no one is trying to kill each other to win... obviously... .

But there is always that one exception.. I will call her.. Ms. Asshole... I believe she may have been a part of a relay team as her race bib was a different color but I was not sure.. but Ms. Asshole.. must of thought herself "THE STUFF"... because she SCREAMED at me going around a corner... she knows she has to pass on the left and I am ahead of her and she is pissed she has to take the corner wide because I am on the inside.. and so she screams for me to get out of her way..

LIKE WHAT BITCH do you want me to do ..??! ...get off my bike and wait until you pass????!!... YOU aint winning no F_IN awards unless you attach a rocket to you’re ass and with that sunny disposition I am most certainly sure you will win a one way ticket to hell.. And if you are on the relay.. you don’t have enough BALLS to do the full event... .. F- you.. A-HOLE! .... I soo wanted to catch her and just throw her off bike and start slapping her around a bit...

I was averaging around 17-18 mph speed until around mile 40.. then hit some really bad winds.. so bad that I was reduced to 11 and 12 mph at times.. I couldn’t believe it possible to go that slow and be moving????!!!... I handled the cross winds exceptionally well , low in my aero bars.. and just streaming right but when that winds hit us head on for like 8 miles it was like a dentist drilling into my SKULL .. I think I lost one of my lives...

We passed the spot where I had competed the Chesapeake Man Full Ironman Run last year and it was kinda surreal to see it in the daylight.. since when I did the Chessy Man Run it was all at night... so that being said I kinda thought PRIOR to this race that I may want to do Chessy Man (the full Ironman Distance Triathlon) again in September.. BUT THANKFULLY you have these types of things to convince you that I AM OUTTA MY MIND!!

The mental demons are out full force.. questioning everything from why I am doing this... to if I should continue.... to why bother... and what do I have to prove.. nothing... then this saying from my friend pops into my head.. buns of steel..

That’s right....!!! I almost forgot... I am also doing this for buns of steel..!!!.. I continued on....

When I got off bike... I REALLY DID NOT want to do the run.. I thought if there was a way to just hide for two hours and PRETEND I did the run that would make me happy.. the thought of running 13.1 miles after swimming 1.2 and biking fast 56 miles well was NOT appealing... every part of my body was screaming NO WAY... but I went on.

Seeing Joe waiting for me and cheering me on gave me strength..... .. I was determined to run.. not sure how fast but to run neither the less... and so I did...and par for course around mile 2 I encountered an idiot... and he just soo happen to be a cop.. or rent a cop or whatever... he was suppose to STOP traffic and allow the runners safe passage across a section of the road... all traffic was stopped.. and for some reason when me and another runner came upon this intersection he told us to STOP and wait there...

Now mind you we were in THE MIDDLE OF A RACE..... and I am MOST CERTAINLY am sure he did not STOP the leaders in any way in order to let a car go by and I was NOT about to stop... so I slowed enough not to be stupid and get run over... but I did YELL OUT to the rent a cop... “ YOU GOT TO BE F- KIDDING ME... !!!!“ (mind you the traffic was STOPPED already... its not like I was about to run into the middle of I-95,.. it was a back road in Cambridge!

I think everyone including the guy in the car heard that.. because the car did not proceed and I continued on... man don’t F- mess with me.. I just had a bad swim.. my legs are cooked and now I gotta run get the F_ OUTTA MY WAY..

I continued my run without any additional event... stopped at the rest stops for ice and was hot out there but thankfully not as hot as last year, and my heat acclimation training helped... I ran strong... . when I came in to the finish I saw Joe and he is always such a wonderful sight... I cant believe his dedication to me and what I do... .. I am not sure if I would have finished this one without him...

Once I stopped I said, “Never Again”.... I have never said that after a race..

So....I have to take a step back and re-analyze my future... .there are two things that I know for sure..three years ago when I started this shit (the biking, swimming, and running).. I thought I would be qualifying for Hawaii.. three years later and a thousand reality checks later.. I realize that not only am I NOT gifted enough to make Hawaii.. I am damn near the last person coming in at every triathlon that I do... I need to understand this. ....... but I do love swimming... biking..and running....and then there are those buns of steel.....!!!

PS: Someone stole my pink Ironman race issued swim cap in transition.. go figure (they should have just taken the goggles too) DAMN THIEVES

PSS: I actually did alot better than last year time wise!

PSSS: Never EVER give up.. there is always a reason to finish... and don’t let the demons win!

PSSSS: When is sign up for next year????

Thursday, June 18, 2009


1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run.... 6 hours and 51 minutes... will post story hopefully tonight...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Diamond Girl Baby Tri

(Yum.. nice Lums Pond green water - great crap to swim in!)

Sunday, June 7
So I think perhaps I have gotten my swim panic attack out of the way... I am all clear for Eagleman.. I did a women's triathlon called, "Diamond Girl"... it was shorter than a normal sprint tri...being only a 1/4 mile swim, 10 mile bike, and 2 mile run...

...thought it would give me a good warm up for Eagleman ....and THANKFULLY I did it... because I had a boni-fied.. P-A-N-I-C .....A-T-T-A-C-K the water... why.. ??? oh who the hell knows... . I can swim in the murky, choppy, jelly fish strewn Chesapeake for 2.4 miles but I sure as hell can't swim a freaking 1/4 mile in a smooth lake... sigh

So let's start back at the beginning... the water temp was 70... so wetsuits were allowed.... I stuffed the potato in the sack and got the blasted neoprene thing on.. it was a standing start.. .. no chance to actually “warm up” in the water... and BANG off we go... I am thinking this will be cake... and then I realize I cant exhale.. I am out of breath... and starting to hyperventilate...then I get UPSET that I am starting to I take a moment and doggy paddle around.. trying to get the heart rate down.. other gals are doing the same.. SO pathetic!!!..... I do a mix of God knows what and freestyle as my breathing is all out of whack... and I get out of water at 15.49... PATHETIC...

My friend (aka the cupcake)... was doing this event too... mind you she did NOT own a wetsuit and swam the whole thing in 70 degree water with just her tri suit... and she STILL BEAT me out of the water!! ...OH and yeah I think she had one practice swim to my three days a week since March swims... yeah ... nice...

So just for the record.. I do actually love to swim, I don’t mind open water not one bit.. murky water doesn’t bother me... nor do fish, live creatures (except maybe sharks)... waves, chop, none of that bothers me... perhaps the cold water.. maybe.. maybe that’s the problem.. but it really didn’t feel that cold.. I don’t know.. head case?

When I got out of the water I walked to transition.. this is a first.. I usually run but I thought I needed the time to keep the heart rate down and analyze WTF is going on... I had a super fast transition... and that included taking off the wetsuit.

The bike was my strength today... I knew if the course was flat I had a good chance of keeping up a very high rate of speed for 10 miles... I started off a bit cautiously,.. to see if my legs would perhaps explode but alas they did not... so after a half mile I started cranking it.... instantly I was moving along and passing folks... ... I usually am a great masher so my gears are usually high... I mash around in third and it was working..

Somehow I passed the cupcake on the bike.. not sure when.. she had gotten a head start but alas I did not see her.. according to her after the race she said I passed her and made it look easy... well I am glad I can make thigh crunching look easy... they have me down for 18.8 mph avg.. it was around 19 mph if you remove the time to dismount and run with bike into transition..

Into the second transition I go... and back out.. legs felt ok... shin a bit sore but it's only a 2 mile run... thankfully... la la la.. plodding away.. and the freaking cupcake catches me at turn around. So around mile 1... she is like a CHEETAH... I give her a heads up that there is a 43 year old just right in front of us and to catch her... I didn’t have much energy to try and battle head to head with the cupcake at this time..

I just felt really good that I was holding such a good pace after such a phenomenal bike... on the last sprint into the finish.. the cupcake was out of reach but I did sprint pass the 43 year old who I had been trailing... ending up 9 seconds behind the cupcake... WHEW DONE... they have me down for running the last 2 miles at a 7.11 pace... no way.. course for run had to be short.. I know what I run and i wasn't running no 7.11 pace after that bike.. maybe a 8 or 8.11 pace but not a 7.11... but whatever...

We checked our specs ... we both have to do much better in swim to be able to place.. once we get that out of the way.. I think we would have a shot.. we both did great in the bike and run...

Can we do it again?

Distance is Subjective

Saturday, June 6th
I love my weekends... not only do I get to see my family I get to actually do something to my house... so Saturday was a day of cleaning ....grab the Mr. Bubble and go... I was feeling kind bad that I had to miss out on my Philly Masters Track Meet... but it was a good call out on my part.. my shin was still sore and no way I could sprint or throw today... so I decided it was best to stay out of trouble and clean...oh and run a 5k.... the Newtown Square Sandy Flash Dash.. it was a new 5K (3.1 miles)... and was in the afternoon..

..well I should have known better... inaugural events...well... sometimes it's just a surprise on what you get....... now perhaps the almost mile walk from the parking lot to the registration should have been an indication that PERHAPS they had no concept of distance.. or.... perhaps it was when looking at the course map and seeing it was 2 very long loops that maybe... just maybe the course was a bit long ..

The race itself was a lot different than I thought.. it was hilly and mostly cross country style with grass, mud, and dirt...if I had known it was going to be an off road run I would have worn my dang trail shoes..!

I ran with two other woman for the first half... they both appeared to be in my age group and both appeared to be strong.. it was a bit toasty with the late afternoon sun... and my two running mates.. well they dropped back...a thirty something bolted past me while I was having my pre-heat stroke... and I didnt care.. too hot to care, too many hills to care, and my DAMN shin hurts...

I was wondering what kinda hell I was in when finishing the first loop and realized it was almost 2 miles and I still had another loop to go... how is that 3.1 miles!!??

The 30 year old nut ahead of me made two wrong turns running off the course then back on and still beat me.. it was amusing.. I can only assume the heat was getting to her too... .my Garmin picked up 4.3 miles at end... What I didn’t realize is that they hadn’t even measured the course at all.. hello....did ya just GUESS at 3.1 miles or what!!.?? ...Oh lets see... that looks about right.. yeah .... and dang didn’t the director ask me what the course measured since he saw I had a Garmin GPS unit on... and used my Garmin measurement as the official distance.. !!

So any way.. I finished strong.. low 8’s pace... 1st age group... which was a nice treat...
Met some interesting people... sitting on the grass minding my own business and doing some light stretching... and this very unique lady comes over to talk to me.. (contrary to popular belief I actually don’t mind people talking to me )..

...the first thing out of her mouth was, “Are you a real Runner?”

I am like, “huh?”... she asked again if I was a real runner.. . (she proceeds to tell me a whole bunch of stuff about her past life and what she is currently doing)...

....and I am really TRYING to be polite and I am going to poke out her eyeballs...!!.... I am sorry... I couldn’t wait to get the f- away from her... And to walk the mile back to my car...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Warwick 5K Trail Run

Last night I did the Warwick Ruckus 5K Trail Run... to continue gathering points to try and win my age group in the overall standings of the Philly Xterra Trail Running Series... this is my 3rd race out of 5.. and they will take the top 4 scores...

... so my shin is NOT VERY HAPPY today… !!..... I mean it was kinda sore last night BEFORE I decided to run through the woods…… and so now it’s A LOT OF A BIT SORE.. HMPH… it just better get unsore!

The trail run was cool.. shame the storm didn’t come in … was looking forward to some hail and lightening ...but nope… but did get a little excitement… some big dude.. I mean like 6 foot 4 or so… RATHER BEEFY man… somehow managed to run right in front of me…

Like HELLO>> CAN NOT SEE…!!!....and to make matters worse.. he would slow down on the single track.. blocking my vision…. making it IMPOSSIBLE to see upcoming obsticles, stones, logs and such ... and I AM NOT BREAKING MY LEG because your pansy ass cant take the technical parts… !!!...get your freaking mammoth moose ass out of my way.. GRRRR....

So I managed to get around him…. and we are then on a straight away and he "sprints" past me.. like HELLO!!!>. if you are that fast ...keep going.. but OH NO.. he drops right back in front of me again.. and SLOWS….p-ssy footing around rocks and stuck.. F- you A-Hole.. !!!!....get the F- outta my way you BIG FAT MOOSE..!!!.. (SORRY POTTY MOUTH)

I had to sprint through the underbrush on the side of the trail to get around his big ole ass… and I SO WOULD have beat the snot out of him literally if he tried that maneuver again… GRRRRR……so enough of that…. I then just ran full tilt until I was way clear … buzzing along I come upon another man… and everything is going well until this guy hits a mud puddle.. dirty horse pooh mixed with water spews all over the side of my face and down my leg… "oops sorry" he says.. I am like.. no problem.. thinking ok that was kinda gross.. wiping my face.. and wondering what would possess a 43 year old to run around in the woods fighting large moose men and dabbling in horse pooh...

But I keep up the pace.. because I know there are two girls in my age behind me somewhere and they are hunting me.. and I want my Pizza …!!

We get to this rather large grass field and they lie.. they said course was flat.. course WAS NOT FLAT.. but I shouldn't be surprised.. there are always surprises in trail runs... and so up and down the hills I go… my shin is screaming… the hills were not really that bad… considering… considering that I was now in oxygen debt .. and then we
get to the stream crossing.. … COOL…

It’s about knee high water… slippery rocks.. yah know fun stuff… so instead of barreling through... you had to kinda walk in and across… so I carefully walked into water... so as NOT to slip.. and FLIP.. into the water I go... I MUST be the most unbalanced person on the face of the planet... my poor Garmin (my GPS unit watch) thankfully it's water proof… so getting a nice dip in water.. clears the mind.. oh and the horse pooh ...but then I kinda was a bit heavier by the time I went to run again… clothes being all soaked and such…

The course measured around 3.45 miles… did it In 28.02 (although they GOT TO STOP adding seconds to my time once I stop).. they wait until I crossed the finish line.. you see your time… and then you walk down the chute.. then they take your tag.... and then they stop the clock? they have me down I think for 28.07….… figures… they must have some old crone hitting the stop watch ...... not that those seconds mean anything but alas..

So I placed 2nd in age group.. and GOT MY PIZZA!!!! ....SO was it worth it to risk my injury and run hard so soon after the marathon.. ??....HECK YEAH… I got pizza.. 2nd place medal.. and more points for the series... oh yeah and I GOT TO RUN >> AND SWIM! :)

So what did Joe do last night..??? .... Joe did a speed workout on the road... clocking in on a hilly course.. a 22.45 for 3 miles… hate him.. just kidding.. boy, he can move!... I saw him running on my way back from the race and pulled up alongside of him in the truck.. he gave me a dirty look... and waved me on.. (he couldn’t talk.. he couldn't breathe.. )… BUT MY BABY LOOKS GOOD!

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...