Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tussey Mountainback 50 Miler

Tussey 50 Miler
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Not sure HOW I managed it... but I did… I somehow convinced Joe that running 50 miles was a good thing and then I proceeded to only run 26.2…

Distance: 50 miles
JOE: 9 hrs 41 mins (for 50 miles)
WENDY: 4 hrs 53 mins (for 26.2 miles)

START: 7:00 am
Leg 1:

Three Bridges, One Leg-Breaker
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 3.2 miles; difficult
Topography: Mostly gently climbing, with some steep ascents.

Cold (48 degrees) at start, windy (gusts 30 mph, sustained15 mph). I was bundled up w/hat, gloves, jacket. Joe’s plan was to run with me, well at least for the first half mile then he pulled away. Um ..what about the "we are running together" plan???

Joe is great hill runner and since the first three miles are basically up hill, I expected him to get a lead. I managed to run this first three miles better than last year, I felt good and was excited, maybe this year I can do A LOT better!

Of course what I failed to mention is that I started the race with a leg injury that I obtained playing at a race a couple weeks ago, rolling atop and over metal trucks in the Warrior Dash, and well I honestly didn’t know if I should even start today’s race. But I did... and I felt good, at least at this particular moment ....and hoped for the best. BTW: I did run the ENTIRE way up.. it was a slow run… but a run none the less..
Mile 1) 10:12 (up)
Mile 2) 11.03 (up)
Mile 3) 11.14 (up)
Break: No

Leg 2:
Down to the Swamp
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 4.0 miles; easy
Topography: Downhill to level; gravel.
I am definitely a downhill runner, love how it feels, and well, perhaps I should have taken it a little bit slower... the THRILL of zipping by Joe was SO worth it..7 miles down and counting.
Mile 4) 8.59 (down)
Mile 5) 8.00 (down)
Mile 6) 8.07 (down)
Mile 7) 8.20 (down)
Break: No
Leg 3:
Race to the Beach
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 3.8 miles; easy
Topography: Fairly flat; gravel and then finishes on paved road. BOY I am simple....I LOVE this race..11 down!
Mile 8) 8:42 (down)
Mile 9) 8:51 (down)
Mile 10) 9.12 (down)
Mile 11) 10.17 (up)
Break: 3 min (sat, drank half bottle perpetium, potty, refilled heed and water bottle, stretched, saw Joe coming, waited for him, handed him his bag and left, most certainly he will catch me now the hills are coming).

Leg 4:
Three Up, Three Down
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 6.2 miles; difficult
Topography: Gently rolling, with several long hills.

I said this last year and I have to say it again… HELL... Ok so you can WIPE that smile right off my face. WTF was I thinking!!.. I started some walk breaks.. my leg is starting to hurt.. and Joe PASSES ME..17 down and how many left!?
Mile 12) 11:03 (down)
Mile 13) 11:40 (up)
Mile 14) 10.40 (flat)
Mile 15) 11:58 (up)
Mile 16) 15:18 (up)
Mile 17) 11:18 (Down then up)
Break: YES

Leg 5:
The Breeze
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 3.4 miles; easy
Topography: All downhill or flat.

PAIN and more PAIN.. I tried really hard to channel my energy to other things and the damn leg stopped working… I had to decide, what to do.....
Mile 18) 11:04 (down)
Mile 19) 11:05 (down)
Mile 20) 12:21 (down)
Break: YES
Leg 6:
Made in the Shade
Mileage/degree of difficulty:5.3 miles; moderate to difficult
Topography: Gently rolling with some moderate climbs.
WTF YOU DOING!? I am unable to run, basically walking and pulling the I debate with myself... I pass the aid station, I stop.. I turn around.. and I call it a day. I think it’s the most mature decision I have made in my life, but then why do I feel like such a failure?!

I huddled on a bench, shivering, waiting for the sag wagon. I thought about things, trying to calm the mind, cursing the injury when another girl joins me..she had hobbled into the aid station with a bum knee... and she too called it a day.. when she looked at me, she cried, thanks I think… dude we need psychologists here out on the course…I am now a blubbering mess... I tell her we are NOT failures.. weboth just ran a marathon.. 26.2 miles… on a HILLY course in less than 5 hours!!!! Through tears she agrees but we both know it's still there… those thoughts…

I have made peace with myself and I will be back.

Mile 21) 11:27 (flat)
Mile 22) 12:51 (up)
Mile 23) 13:44 (up)
Mile 24) 13:22 (up)
Mile 25) 16:01 (up)
Mile 26) 17:41 (up)


But Joe got to finish, I don’t have his specs.. nor his write up.. but he did mention that he saw a bear A BEAR!!

it ran across the road in front of him... or so he says... and how he didn’t get eaten.. well thats besides me since he was taken out by little bees a year ago... things that make you go HMMM...

Although he did mention something about doing someone some bodily harm and something about not knowing about some hills and.. so on and so forth... and when I asked him after the race what he thought of how beautiful it was out there... I will not repeat what he said!!..

Don’t think I aint beating his ass next year!
Leg 7:
Miles from Nowhere
Mileage/degree of difficulty:4.9 miles; moderate.
Topography: Uphill, flat, then gently rolling.

Mile 26) (up)
Mile 27) (up)
Mile 28) (down/up)
Mile 29) (down/up)
Mile 30) (down)
Leg 8:
A Flash of Civilization
Mileage/degree of difficulty:2.8 miles; easy.
Topography: Mostly flat, then gently rolling.
Mile 31) (up/down)
Mile 32) (down/up)
Mile 33) (up)
Leg 9:
Head for the Lake
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 2.9 miles; easy.
Topography: Begins uphill, then gently rolling and downhill.
Mile 34) (up)
Mile 35) (down)
Mile 36) (down)
Leg 10:
Are We There Yet?
Mileage/degree of difficulty:5.3 miles; difficult.
Topography: Flat, gently rolling to more serious ups and downs.

Mile 37) (up)
Mile 38) (up)
Mile 39) (up)
Mile 40) (up)
Mile 41) (up)
Mile 42) (up)
Leg 11:
Climb to the Vista
Mileage/degree of difficulty:4.0 miles; moderate/difficult.
Topography: Progressive ups and downs.

Mile 43) (up)
Mile 44) (down)
Mile 45) (up)
Mile 46) (down)
Leg 12:
Trucks Use Lower Gear!
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 4.2 miles; easy.
Topography: Mostly downhill, winding.
Mile 47) (up)
Mile 48) (down)
Mile 49) (down)
Mile 50) (down)



SIGNED UP: 117 people signed up for the Ultra
• 88 men
• 29 woman

Did Not Start: 16 people did not start (11 men/5 women)
STARTED: 101 people started the Ultra
• 76 men
• 25 women

Did Not Finish: 6 people did not finish (3 men/3 women)

FINISHED: 95 people finished the Ultra
• 73 men
• 22 women

Joe’s placing was:
5th Age 40-44
55th Overall out of 101 Ultras


Monday, October 25, 2010


Got to enjoy two great races this weekend…
Philadelphia Cross Country 5K (3.1 mile) Open Race & the OctoRun 13K (8 mile)

Cross Country 5K
I really do have a love affair with cross country, perhaps it’s the feeling of being able to take off running across fields, frolicking through woods, and traipsing up rather large inclines… or maybe its because that’s where I started my running 25 years ago… in cross country… either case I decided on Saturday to run an open cross country race, hoping beyond all hope that I could beat at least one gal, and hopefully a young one…

This particular race was an "open" race, which meant no age group awards, only the top 15 girls will place and I would be competing with everyone from ages 18+ and up ...

I soo love competing… something about just the idea of being able to do your best and being acknowledged that you did so… but then again nothing deflates it like when you see one of the area's top women runners, who happens to be in your age group, preparing to run your race... sigh.....when I saw Ms. Cecily Tynan... just say some people get gitty when they see “celebrities”.... I just want them to pick up knitting or something… just saying…

SURE I wish I could give her a run for her money or at least be somewhat competitive... but honestly… I will still be running when she is warming down and on her way home…

As I was waiting for the 1pm open to start, I watched the college and high school races ....I guess I should have warmed up instead... oops... time to race... across the field and through the woods.. to grandmothers house we go... and DUDE ....should have warmed up those legs... ignore the old man who passes… ignore the young boy who passes… ignore the fact that if you dont get your butt in gear you will be dead LAST... AHHHH... so I run... like I should run... because I can run....

24:50 (8 min mile pace)… 8th woman out of 15….[48th out of 73 overall]... I will take it… with a smile..!

PS: BTW do not NOT use the the port-a-pots in Fairmont Park.. I think someone was very created with their crap.

PSS: Cecily and I had a brief exchange after the race, she made mention of my long compression socks in which she was wearing a similar pair… it's hard to hate nice, talented, rich and beautiful… just saying.

OctoRun 13K
On Sunday, I thought a nice long run was in order and signed up for the OctoRun 13K …which by the way is 8.08 miles… so thinking at first it was a half marathon (thus the 13K mixup in my mind).. then realizing it was only 8 miles.. which of course was a pleasant find… less is best!.. and so I was up early and off to run me some fun in Hatfield…
Coolest tshirt and coolest gimmick… here have a small bag.. if you see a ghoul or someone dressed up with candy along the course, fill your bag.. the person with the most candy (weight wise) in their bag wins a prize.. hmm. Should I run for speed and try and place?.. or run for a prize for the most candy??... dilemma, dilemma…
Being the competitive bloke that I am.. I decide.. I am going to run it fast AND gather candy on the way… I can do BOTH!!!!

So we line up and OFF we go.. I have a strategy… I am going to use my hat to carry the candy and bag … I AM a SMART GAL… hmmm.. I see the first candy stop.. I pass it.. too soon.. not even a mile into race.. don't want to be bogged down yet….. hmmm... What if they only have two more stops and the last stop someone takes all the candy?? ...SOOO I better get candy at the next stop.. just to be safe.. I AM a SMART GAL…
I am blazing through the first 3 miles.. well under what I should be for an 8 miler… and I see a candy stop.. SCREECHING to a STOP to fill up my hat… (later some dude was like I saw you stop.. wasn’t that candy heavy?) ok more on that ..

So I am pleased.. I AM a SMART GAL… I get back into my running having not lost too much time… mile 4… mile 5….ugh this candy is freaking HEAVY!… I am now debating whether to PITCH the candy or not.. my arm is going numb… I feel like I am carrying a small child… . and HOW MUCH does this freaking candy WEIGH anyway!!!?

By mile 6, I literary wanted to stop running… I am traveling the speed of a snail… I feel sick.. I am starting to get passed by everyone...WHY?! WHY?… WHY must I feel the need to win everything!!!

At mile 7…. I see another candy station.. and there is a TON of candy left.. are you seriously telling me I could have waited until mile 7.. and gotten my candy!!?? I AM SOOO NOT a SMART GAL.. .. I wanted to cry…

I brought in the race at 1 hour and 9 minutes and some odd seconds (8.30 ish pace)… I have no feeling in my arm and NEVER, EVER want to see candy again…

EVER….BTW I did manage to get my candy weighed in at almost 5 pounds… and was the record holder until the LAST OFFICIAL runner pushing a stroller came in.. and YES her child was holding a HUGE bag of CANDY… CRY...

(this is me holding my candy in my hat.. and in PAIN)
No place in age group … no place in candy weigh… may not be able to actually use my arm for a few more days… just saying….
(this is the gal and her stroller kid with the BIG bag of candy)
PS: Rethink running in a full German outfit at the half marathon next weekend… rethink… rethink...but they are offering… prizes.. and then there is the egg contest…hmmm
Next weeks Half Marathon: We will reward the best/funniest outfits (must have some kind of relation to Oktoberfest). Everyone loved the cuckoo egg hunt during the sloppy cuckoo trail half, therefore we will once again hide some cuckoo eggs along the course. Return a egg to the RD to win a cool prize…

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful

Please dont hate me because I am beautiful…

Ok so this has NOTHING to do with this posting… but I gotta have something..... can there just be one day.. just one day ....that I can live drama free….?!

Rush rush rush… always in a rush.. .. life just needs to slow DOWN... a bit... sigh.. sitting in traffic... Do you ever sit in traffic and look over and see someone doing something that just totally, utterly amazes you..?? Because you cant believe they are doing it… !? YEAH...

I have seen all types of crazy shit in the morning.. people putting on make up, reading the paper, SHAVING, god knows what they do at home because they are all on the roads doing it… and so this am was no exception on crazy…

I came up to the traffic light at the intersection of 401 and have to wait for someone who is backing into traffic in front of me out of the gas station... they are backing
OFF a rather large strip of grass OFF a curb.. ouch.. thats gotta hurt ...dude.. what AN IDIOT!!… HOW do you do that? drove right up the curb and onto the grass.. like there are two entrances/exits... and you missed both of them??? .. what a F-ck NUT!…

Shaking my head .. I tell you .. menace..… as this person manages to get their vehicle to one of the gas pumps... how embarrassing... I look back over…hmmm that truck does look awfully familiar… t

NAH... he doesnt go this way.... and he most certainly wouldn’t drive his BRAND NEW VEHICLE up a curb..I mean the dude buys specially made squeegees to wash his damn car.. I am straining my neck to see who will get out of the vehicle.. and the damn light turns green.. I soo wanted to see who ….

I dial Joe’s number..

RING.. RING… (pause).. RING.. RING…. Sigh no answer..RING..

Joe: “YES?”. (he answers)

Wendy: “Oh hi.. ........just was curious.. (PAUSE).. are you at A gas station?

Joe: “YES”

Wendy: “Um. … (PAUSE)… um...where you just up on a curb?” (IT WAS AN HONEST QUESTION!!!… )

Joe: “YES”

Wendy: (Silence…. Trying to contain an utter outburst of hysterics)

Wendy: “Oohh… (snickering )… UM ARE YOU alright? ......(pause)... Do you need me to turn around? (silence)

( perhaps the question of WHY he was on the curb should have been asked but I figured that well ….it was truly a mute point.. )

MORE SILENCE… like silence of the lamb silence…

Joe: “I’m fine”

Wendy: “Ok if you need anything…… let me know..”

HANG UP …..end of conversation … AND OMG ………………………………………..

PS: a shortcut to the gas station?.. just saying...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ChesapeakeMan Ultra Triathlon

I thought I would share….here is the video of my second Ironman Triathlon that I did on September 25th…(140.6 miles).. did it in 15 hours and 26 minutes… it’s a 2.4 miles swim, 112 mile bike and then a 26.2 mile run… YEAH LONG DAY!..

Joe did an awesome job filming! It has sound… (btw I was LAST out of the swim.. but passed some people on the bike and run!)…I was a bit hungry afterwards.. just a bit..

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...