IM TRAINING HAS BEGUN......(actually its been going but officially this is my first official week.. I had a nice almost month and half of base, coming off a not too shabby 2011 season and now I'm ready)..
2/19-2/25 Totals
Swim: 4 hrs (4.5 miles)
Bike: 5 hrs (80 miles)
Run: 3 hrs (16 miles)
TOTAL: 12 hrs
Special Workouts for week:
**2 mile swim work out
**10 mile hilly repeats
**30 mile bike trainer
Realized I need extra carbs because my blood sugar tanked during my run, and yeah MAYBE this is no time to diet... special run of the week was a 4:20am 2 hour run before work, where I ran the same hilly mile loop.. lets say 10 times in 2 hours..CRAZY... temperature was low 40's, rain, and dark. Headlight kept bonking out and paperman almost ran me over, oh yeah and the whole I should probably have had more than one glass of carnation instant breakfast before I ran for 2 hours.. yeah thanks... intelligent. Gelled at mile 8 but couldn't recover the sugar drop.. By the time I was done working a full day I could barely get in a piece of pizza... but i did my 1 hour bike on the trainer and then passed out...
This the elevation for the run course for the IM... just wondering what that drop off is at mile 13?? Like will I need a parachute? 164 days to go.....