Not only did Joe take the time yesterday to fix my truck.. that I so.. nicely misshaped.. he also managed to fix our outside garage light that hasn’t been working for say.. a few months… adding a new fangled sensor light… HE IS SOO AWESOME!
So I am out the door this am to head to Y.. and its still very dark out.. and so I make it down our walkway and to the driveway and SHAZAAMMM!!!!.
........10,000 VOLTS OF LIGHT go screaming through my skull.. HOLY SH_T… I CANNOT see a thing.. I stagger around ...hands up in air trying to protect face.. stumble.. grrr.. I think my optic nerves are fried!!!!!… ARRRGG…
I run back inside to tell Joe.. blink .. blink… OMG I think the light is a bit much… it BEAMS ALL THE WAY INTO THE cul-de-sac…!!! and its going to wake the neighbors… [even though they are like an acre away from us]…and yikees…
And so he mumbles something about it only staying on for 10 or was that 30 seconds???? OH … yeah.. ok… back outside I go… I am still seeing spots… and its pitch black out.. and HELLO???!!! I make it to the truck and SHAZAAM!!!!!!!
10,000 SCREAMING LIGHT PARTICLE S pierce my skull again.. …..just tell them your name and serial number and they will stop!!!
I find the truck I cant imagine how this is safer than not having a light… and I think I definitely need an aspirin. AND do I sound ungrateful!??
Side note: Joe is awesome.. I am lucky to have him and he really does great handy man work. Even if he wont let me fix anything…