Now before you go about calling up the men in the little white coats please remember at least I was not an ear of corn. Yes folks… I ran the first quarter mile of today’s race with a gal dressed as an ear of corn. Do you know how hard it is not to laugh out loud when you are trying to breathe???….I kept looking over at her… Of course the fact that she looked more like a banana then an ear of corn is besides the point….and yes I am trying to change the subject on why I WAS RUNNING IN A HALLOWEEN COSTUME and how utterly funny I am sure it was that I was dressed as a barbarian with horns running next to an ear of corn….and I think I am the normal one !
I don’t know perhaps it’s not normal but I do have a lot of fun…and life builds character.. and boy do I have a lot of character… See each year I try to find one Halloween race in which I….being the big kid that I am…..can play dress up and run.… it takes great skill to find a costume that you can run in comfortably, doesn’t bind, or have loose parts that you could trip over or injure other people. I wanted to be something comfortable, scary but cute… so think Buffy the Bunny Slayer… ok…
I do have to give Joe credit… he is still with me… and never says anything negative about my harebrained activities… although he never says anything negative… he still wanted NO PART of this race, Halloween event, costume, or otherwise..so he slept in… so off I go…to drive the hour to Hatboro… solo.. dressed in my wench getup…
Who would have thought that with the last few mornings of cold 30 degree weather… that this am it would be in the high 50’s and by race time in the sweltering low 60’s… normally I wouldn’t complain but I was dressed in head to toe fur and getting a bit TOASTY!
The course was great… only one gradual hill in the middle that people yelled out in triumph as they crested it… YAHOO!!… and then some… although it would have been a lot greater had my body not been on the verge of internally combusting. ..by the time I got to mile 2 you could have cooked a pancake on my head… I should have run with my sword.. but thought it best not to… for fear I would accidently trip over it or heck stab someone trying to pass me… by the way it is a plastic sword…and by the way I HAD to get to the finish line… to get outta this getup!!!
Are we having fun yet??? I did get my picture taken with the ear of corn and I feel bad that I never bothered to ask her name… but it was early… and well she was dressed as an ear of corn.. and I must have corn issues! I will share the picture once they post it online…
I didn’t win the adult costume award…I am a bit bitter that I lost to some dude dressed as groucho marx and all he did was put on a tie, mustache and bring a cigar.. I mean I would have accepted the loss to the ear of corn but not to a dude with a cigar…where is the justice!!??
I was delighted to find that I came in 3rd in my age group (40-49)…and got my picture taken with the two elite dressed women who placed first and second in my group…the one girl said to me.. I saw you in beginning of race..werent you hot?
LOOK AT THIS AWARD>. Is this not the coolest award ever!!!?? For those who know me .. you know my love for skulls and such and there couldn’t have been a better award.... I do believe this could be my favorite award ever. Now to think of what to be next year… hmmm..
PS: I will post results and any additional pics once they get posted.
PSS: 1 week until C&D Marathon!!