..should be no problem... I get her dinner, take her out (twice) and then run water for a bath for myself.. no sooner than I get in my bath I hear her barking at the backdoor. I ignore her.. I know she can't possibly have to go out again.. she has been out twice in the last hour..
Patience.. she will stop… NO.. she gets PISSED that I am ignoring her and she marches herself all the way to the bathroom door and then proceeds to bark LOUDLY at the bathroom door.. SIGH.. THUS I CAN HEAR YOU.. so I get out of my bath.. soaking everything on the way to back door to let her out .. tap.. tap.. tap...wait patiently for her to get done her business (as I dang near freeze to death waiting)…done, great.. back to bath..
So we finally get settled for the night or so I think… At 2am she has an allergy attack and I have to get up and get her medicine and OH LET HER OUT AGAIN… I stumble out of bedroom, in a half sleeping stupor… tap ..tap.. tap.. wait for her to return.. back in.. back to bed.. ah… BARK BARK BARK.. WTF now..!!!... I look at time.. jeez it's breakfast time on the dot.. 5:15AM.. GET UP .. I stumble back out of room, dog trailing, let out, feed.. back to bed.. not time to get up yet.. yawn..
BARK.. BARK.. BARK.. drool coming from my mouth and one eye open I look at clock.. 5:45 am.. Isabella.. please.. I get back up to let her out AGAIN.. tap.. tap.. tap.. Where the HECK is she.. ??..I look out into the darkness.. I lay down on my livingroom floor.. EXHAUSED.. about 5 minutes later she returns.. finally back, in, go back to bed....
BARK BARK BARK… getting angry now… 6:15 let her out AGAIN.. I then GRAB her and lock her in with me in bedroom... STOP IT..!! She settles for 15 min then starts barking again.. I am exhausted…. I stumble around… I resounded to the fact I was NOT getting any more sleep or any kinda quality sleep and I get up and make myself breakfast and I look over and she goes the F@#&^ to sleep and was still sleeping when I left for work…. how cute.