... but alas not much interesting going on.. or perhaps maybe TOO MUCH interesting going on.. Either case.. HAD TO WRITE about almost burning down the house last night… and to think I almost have a college education…
Perhaps I can blame it on .. not reading thoroughly or a lack of proper comprehension skills……or too much M-U-L-T-I tasking... whatever it is, I took something relatively simple.. and turned it into something complex….
...I thought what a great idea to have some pop-corn.. simple... easy to cook… tasty… yum…
So tearing myself away from my Facebook peeps… I hurried to the microwave …bag of unpopped corn in hand…. read the instructions.. ok.. 4 minutes on high… plop it in microwave… skip back to room and on Facebook..
.. the jolt of the fire alarm.. and the spewing mounds of grey smoke emanating from the kitchen should have been an indication that something was seriously wrong…
Gasping on the smell of black, charred kernels, I made my way through the dense cloud of smoke and unlatched the kitchen windows.. coughing... and taking in a LONG breath of fresh air…JEEZ US... the utter look of amazement as i watch smoke continue to billow out of the microwave... at least NOW I have something to write about....UGH