So it's about one week out of the hospital from colon surgery
and I am trying to fit the pieces of my life back together.... funny how you don’t realize how sick you are until you aren't .... but see.. I totally
believe that endurance athletes cannot distinguish pain.
Thinking back...I suppose I should have gone to the doctors but then again... he would probably tell me not to run...
I had been suffering quite horribly with a chronic lower back and hip pain since the beginning of the year but concluded it was a combination of stress, crappy bed, and increased training... and then it happened... a 4 day spell that I thought was food poisoning..and then a re-occurrence of that “food poisoning” and in the hospital I go... less than 24 hours later my ascending colon, appendix and some other stuff are taken out and I am now recovering. I am told I cannot run for 4-8 weeks..
So this brings me to where I am today. Twelve days post surgery... with at
least 4 weeks of no running to go..and I am going to lose my mind....So how does an
endurance athlete differentiate pain? Not sure I can ever really tell you... but I do know NOW what it's like to NOT be in pain.. The road to