Mostly because I needed to get that shit out
of my head…because we all KNOW I got A LOT going on in there.. lol! But also it
was a way I could stay connected with my family…
Back in the day… it was letters…. And phone calls… and then
the new and exciting way of reaching more than one person at a time… electronic
mail… EMAIL! WAHOO! And with advances in
the operating systems for email, a document could be sent quite quickly to
family and friends, and viola.. either you sent something you SHOULD or you SHOULD
NOT HAVE…uh oh…
For the young ones reading this and saying.. um what? Yes, my little cherubs there was a time
without email.. when I started working (shhh just a few moons ago)… there was
no such thing as email.
how did we communicate? Crazy.. I know …but
you would have to pick up the phone or actually DOUBLE HORRORS… walk over to someone’s
If ONLY I could show you how many
phonebooks I kept at my desk for when the bossman wanted to find
someone… how many calls to the operator and various businesses until I found the correct one!.. OLD SCHOOL!
...it was VERY new back then.. and I was a bit
fearful of actually putting my words out there for all to see.. because I really just write for ME… so I created this blog… TO GET the demons out…
..Life was Good… And then
Facebook came about for my generation .. FACEBOOK… a new way to communicate..the stories faded to snibbits… to snap chats
of time…and that was COOL…
..but then my
writing got lost…really.. really lost... and all these things are STUCK IN MY HEAD ...AND I CANNOT GET THEM OUT!!!... and so now I am just going back to basics… well kinda…
In one week.. is the official start of my spring racing
schedule and this year is super special.
I have elected to challenge myself to complete 50 marathons/ultras by
the time I turn 50 in December. Yeah..more on that..
So what perfect timing to get back to my story telling in
conjunction with the start of my best year of racing yet…
I hope you join me on this journey...
Here is an email from February 2007 before my first Half
Marathon ever.. (What I find really funny is how far I have come...but also how far i HAVE NOT come - I still put on all that shit on and cry about it.. lol! Hugs that two of the people on this original
email have passed away.. my beloved mother and grandmother…)
From: Princessub40
To: Connie Valentino ; Josephine Mastripolito ; Bob Mastripolito ; Nanny Landers ; Joe ; Heather Hoxter ; J.F.Z. and T. Gay ; Sue Duffy ; Dad Duffy ; Chuck & Di Duffy
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 1:35 PM
Subject: Wendy's Long Training Run Today
I am going to quote a sentence from a book I am reading..
{The runners "high" has been defined as a euphoric sensation experienced during running, usually unexpected in which the runner feels a heightened sense of well-being, enhanced appreciation of nature, and transcendence of barriers of time and space.}
WHAT FREAKING B-LLSHIT... Today is the scheduled 10 mile training run (would be my second 10 miler that I would run) needed for the training for my half marathon in three weeks.. no problem.. I don on my ten pounds of clothing, layering appropriately to "properly insulate" my skin from the cold, its 32 degrees with winds gusting to 21 mph.. so I figure wind chill around 18.??....I am covered head to toe - hat, gloves the works... I head out... now I am not sure why I would have thought that the roads would have been clear or at least reasonably clear 4 days after a major storm...
I get about a 1/2 mile down road and its covered with snow and ice with some bare spots.. at about 3 miles I am now exhausted, I feel like I have been running on sand for the last 3 miles..... the wind coming across the fields pierces my face like 10,000 tiny icicle daggers....my cheeks and lips are numb... around mile 4... I AM NOW MORE TIRED.... NOT FEELING one bit EUPHORIC NOR was there any "HEIGHTENED SENSE OF WELL BEING" NOR APPRECIATION OF NATURE.. Nature s-cks.. this s-cks.. I hate birds, trees, and the stupid bunny tracks in the snow... everything...I HATE EVERYTHING... !!!
About 6 miles around I am BEYOND TIRED.... I am now thirsty.. something else to dwell on... THIRSTY AS H-LL.. I dont have a belt to carry water yet.. should have gotten one.. so I dwell on being thirsty for another half mile until I determine that yes the snow isnt yellow.. I stop, pick some up.. viola instant water.. I do this around 7 mile lap too..I feeling fairly smart that I figured this out.. during my last loop the winds pick up and I am feeling dreadfully cold ..
I think COLD at this point is an understatement.. I run with my hand up to shield the winds for another half mile when I give.. I GIVE!!! I am heading back home.. I dont care that I havent completed 10 miles.. I figure I will have completed 8 miles by the end of this and I HAVE to get some credit for running in this sh-t... I get home I have run 8.5 miles.. in 1 hour and 24 minutes... 9.48 pace.. Now back to that quote from the book.. those people who say they get a euphoric sensation are delirious!!!!!..... there is NO HEIGHTENED SENSE OF WELL BEING with running.. but alas I love it... I must be delirious...
I am going to quote a sentence from a book I am reading..
{The runners "high" has been defined as a euphoric sensation experienced during running, usually unexpected in which the runner feels a heightened sense of well-being, enhanced appreciation of nature, and transcendence of barriers of time and space.}
WHAT FREAKING B-LLSHIT... Today is the scheduled 10 mile training run (would be my second 10 miler that I would run) needed for the training for my half marathon in three weeks.. no problem.. I don on my ten pounds of clothing, layering appropriately to "properly insulate" my skin from the cold, its 32 degrees with winds gusting to 21 mph.. so I figure wind chill around 18.??....I am covered head to toe - hat, gloves the works... I head out... now I am not sure why I would have thought that the roads would have been clear or at least reasonably clear 4 days after a major storm...
I get about a 1/2 mile down road and its covered with snow and ice with some bare spots.. at about 3 miles I am now exhausted, I feel like I have been running on sand for the last 3 miles..... the wind coming across the fields pierces my face like 10,000 tiny icicle daggers....my cheeks and lips are numb... around mile 4... I AM NOW MORE TIRED.... NOT FEELING one bit EUPHORIC NOR was there any "HEIGHTENED SENSE OF WELL BEING" NOR APPRECIATION OF NATURE.. Nature s-cks.. this s-cks.. I hate birds, trees, and the stupid bunny tracks in the snow... everything...I HATE EVERYTHING... !!!
About 6 miles around I am BEYOND TIRED.... I am now thirsty.. something else to dwell on... THIRSTY AS H-LL.. I dont have a belt to carry water yet.. should have gotten one.. so I dwell on being thirsty for another half mile until I determine that yes the snow isnt yellow.. I stop, pick some up.. viola instant water.. I do this around 7 mile lap too..I feeling fairly smart that I figured this out.. during my last loop the winds pick up and I am feeling dreadfully cold ..
I think COLD at this point is an understatement.. I run with my hand up to shield the winds for another half mile when I give.. I GIVE!!! I am heading back home.. I dont care that I havent completed 10 miles.. I figure I will have completed 8 miles by the end of this and I HAVE to get some credit for running in this sh-t... I get home I have run 8.5 miles.. in 1 hour and 24 minutes... 9.48 pace.. Now back to that quote from the book.. those people who say they get a euphoric sensation are delirious!!!!!..... there is NO HEIGHTENED SENSE OF WELL BEING with running.. but alas I love it... I must be delirious...