Sunday, May 22, 2016

Run for Red – Pocono Mountain Marathon

Waking up at 3:30am, to be on the road by 4:30am, to drive the 2 hours, to run 26.2 miles....perhaps may not be the optimal way to have a stress free life.. but who wants stress free.. right?

I originally signed us up for The Run For Red Marathon because I ran it last year and thoroughly enjoyed the course.. and I thought if Joe was feeling good, it would be a great marathon for him to try to get a Boston qualifying time.  

Unfortunately by the time the marathon rolled around, Joe had too many setbacks in his training and would not be running it fast.   

Although I was a bit disappointed that he would NOT be running for a quick time... I was happy that I was able to run it again and was looking forward to getting my marathon legs back.

The morning was perfect.. a nip colder than I like but still perfect running weather and we lined up with the temps starting around 39 degrees... we saw our friend Pete who was going for his Boston qualifying time ahead of us... and then we were off..

I am fairly certain that this course is absolutely the most awesome course I have ever had the pleasure to run.. it has downhill sections and rollers... 

....and my legs thrive in that kind of environment and I take off somewhere passing Joe in my glorious state of euphoria... 

....the downhill courses, although can be quite traumatizing to the quads, my legs love them.. and I feel like I am freer than I have ever been. (as you will note from the erratic pacing).

I purposely was not looking at my watch and just running on pure feel.. the only time I had an indication on how I was doing is when I went zipping past the 3:40 pace group.. eep... 
About mile 16 or so a nice steady rain shower happened and then the sun peeked out...

By mile 20 I was starting to tire... and this also is where the uphills started, which really are not too bad uphills unless of course you are tired.. lol.. I was totally ok and expecting seeing every pace group from 3:40 to 4 hours pass me ..(actually the 3:40 group had passed me back by mile 13.. )
I only started to get annoyed while the 4 hour pacer passed me but as soon as she passed me and me grumbling under my breathe I happen to see her up ahead yelling and swinging her cardboard 4 hour pacer sign at a car that somehow was erratically driving on the course... I guess that called RACE RAGE?  Lol..

I assume it was around mile 22..and there is this older lady who lives near one of the uphills on the course.. she is known to stand in the road on top of that hill and wish runners well and offer her hand out for a hand slap to all the runners... honestly not sure how she continues to stand there hour after hour in the sun, rain, cold... and do that for us...

Last year I saw her and this year when I saw her on top of the hill.. I smiled and asked if I could give her a hug... thankfully she was thrilled.. and I apologized because I was kinda sweaty but I hope she knows how much she made my day!

The winds started to pick up in the last mile or so and I saw Joe.. he had come back on the course to run a little bit with me.. but after a few steps or so he decided... nah I will meet you at the finish... 

...and so I hit the track alone and pushed every last bit of energy out of my sneaks and crossed in 4:07:15... pleased and happy.. 

...NOW where the HELL is the shuttle to get us back to our car so we can drive the 2 hours home?!

I can’t wait to go back next year... 

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...