My carefully planned out adventure would take us from our campground to Assateague National Seashore. According to my calculations it should be around 77-80 miles roundtrip and should take no more than say 4-5 hours…

You can justify anything if you really want to.. I justify my “sleeping in” until 6:30am by stating that I will be more “fresh” when we go… Sometimes getting up early is really difficult …even though you know it’s soo much nicer to bike before the sun really gets cooking..alarm goes off.... snooze…
By the time we got the bikes set up, tires pumped, bottles filled, and gear on it was 9:20am…the temperature would get up to 92 degrees this day and the winds would be a steady 10 mph with some gusts of 15+… I love flat terrain.. something really nice about not having to shift into the granny gear and have my thighs seize up…although riding into headwinds leave a lot to be desired..
How is that no matter what direction we rode, the wind was constantly in our face??? Joe made mention that he wasn’t sure if he hated hills or the wind more… I am still thinking about it…. around mile 30 we passed a 7-11 and decided to stop and get slurpees.. Joe asked if this was on the nutrition plan… I can justify anything… …we got to Assateague feeling a bit wind whipped but none the less feeling good. …. Ok... now let’s turn around and go back…
I make note of this feel good statement because things did turn a little ugly around mile 65…. Something of the fact of why I was forcing him to do this…[ like I had a gun to his head or something] ..I am sure the fact that we were now pushing 4+ hours out in heat… and the wind still had not given us a break didn’t help. You know when someone’s mood changes when the talk stops… no more idle chatter....
Joe says I am infectious… is that what you call it when you drag your husband out…willingly I may note… to bike for 4+ hours in the searing heat on vacation? Infectious?
It ended well … 77 miles and some change… no heat stroke… Joe hungry..proceeded to eat us out of house and home…… life is very good.