Yesterday... daughter is scheduled for an outpatient procedure in am.. mom is coming with us.. dog decides to be deathly ill.. have to figure out how to pick up mom... take daughter to hospital..take dog to vet...get back to hospital... then get to work.... this is how it’s done...
Get up early...pack everyone in truck (dog and daughter).. drive sanely but firmly across town to pick up mom....ask mom if she could wait outside by street so we could just... drive by... and she can ... jump in.. . drive S-A-N-E-L-Y.. but firmly to the hospital anex building... drop off mom and daughter.. run inside make sure all papers are filled out and turned in.. jump back in car .. reverse gears, head back across town to vet... [of course dog now plays NOT sick]..rush inside... vet checks out dog... gets shot, pill, $91 dollars later back in car heading back to hospital... take dog out for a walk to get business done.. pick up business and have to run it to the back of the building to toss it out..put dog back in car... .car windows down in shade.. run inside building to see if daughter in.. yes..
Mom says about an hour or so... K... back outside to make sure dog really is ok... walk her around. give treat .. back in car.. back inside... wait wait wait.. mom turn.. to truck visit with dog.. wait wait wait... mom back in... my turn go back out to visit with dog.. dog has accident on floor of truck.. ugh... take her out once again.
Back inside.. daughter done, everything good.. ready to leave.. toss mom, daughter in truck .. dog patiently waiting looks almost amused... drive to mom and dad's house... drop off mom, daughter and DOG... have to pull rug from truck and clean.. clean clean clean... notice hungry..lunch time.. jump back in truck, whip through fast food drive through... balled up in pit of stomach now.. head to work.. whew.. bingo... 5-1/2 hours.. not too bad.. I need a nap...