Friday, October 30, 2009

Hairy Gorilla Half Marathon

Last weekend, Joe and I traveled the 4-1/2 hours to New York to run a race called the Hairy Gorilla Half Marathon.. that would be 13.1 miles on hills and trails, oh and yeah LOTS OF MUD.

The finisher medal would be a small stuffed gorilla...just remove the fact that we would be driving almost 5 hours up and then back to run.. you have to think of the WHOLE package.. the fun ride up in the torrential rain, the bumper to bumper traffic, booking a hotel right next to the Albany airport..(hey, to my credit it was NOT even close to the tarmac!), and the 5 hour drive home after running for 2 hrs without showering… yeah.. it’s the WHOLE PACKAGE!

We made it to our hotel by late afternoon on Saturday and got checked in and did our usual.. Joe hooks up the computer, curses that he cant get online, spends 10 minutes figuring it out.. I change and go to hot tub and pool and so on.. it’s a ritual by now.. and we love it.

Joe actually did manage to slink down to the hot tub and pool and make an appearance.. although they didnt need to try and boil us alive, we did relax and then changed and went to dinner.... I love actually getting away.. its just really nice to be in a different environment and to actually get to sleep. (away from the dog and cat)… shame we actually have to PAY to get sleep...but sleep we did.. although we still woke up at 3:30 am.. oh well.. least we could go BACK to sleep.

On Sunday, the rain had stopped, and the temperature had dropped, A LOT... It was actually cold enough to probably snow but since there was NO possibility of any moisture being left after the almost 2 inches of rain the day before, we awoke to just a really COLD but clear morning.

The ride to Thacher State park only took about 20 minutes and it was beautiful. The leaves were brilliant in vibrant colors of orange, red, yellow and gold. As we trucked up the mountain in our big old gas guzzling vehicle… we kinda look out the windows at the elevation.. and made a little crazy snicker... “Gee hope we don’t have to RUN UP THAT..” (stupid PA folk)
Joe’s goal for the day was to actually FINISH this race and avoid the circus act and subsequent ambulance ride from the last trail half marathon (Bear Creek.. you know.. bee death sting and all).... I did try to ease his apprehension a bit (about possible bees) stating that its too cold for them.. I mean they die or something in the winter.. right? (I have really no clue but it sounded good, have you ever seen a bee in the winter, NO… ).. but least we had his EPI pen just in case….

Upon exiting our vehicle, we noticed right away it was VERY COLD up on this “mountain” and windy… so we would have to rethink our gear. We went with long pants, hats and gloves... Glad we did.. because although we were a bit warm say in the first 2 miles .. by mile 5 or so we had cooled down and we were downright comfy by late in the race...

The course was great it was a single loop that brought us back to the start at mile 6 (for the squirrel runners).. this first loop had a one mile up hill, a small stream crossing, and a few chain saw loving ghouls that jumped out at us.... and then for those who were doing the full half marathon.. there was another loop that was a bit more technical and a lot more muddy..

I started to question why do I always, well almost ....always pick the LONGER runs when there is an available shorter run???!... SIGH.. something definitely missing in the brain pan.

Joe and I had stuck together for only the first mile or so.. and then he ran ahead..which we knew he would.. he would end up beating me by 17 minutes.

We did see each other at one point during the race at a slight out and back section around mile 7/8 .. I had to round a corner to head down the section and he was coming out of it.. we passed each other right at the intersection.. that’s probably like one in a thousand chance…makes you kinda wonder how come we cant win the lottery.. .

So yes I power walked most of the steep uphills.. learned that LONG ago.. makes the race much more enjoyable, and I didn’t trip anyone.. swear.. she fell on her own and I was no where near her…and I did ask her if she was ok… and she was…

I will make this statement again.. I have made it before.. who ever said trail running is better for you.. sure… minus the broken bones, sprains, face plants, poison ivy, bees, thorns and smelling like horse shit.. sure I guess trail running is better…

So with about two miles to go.. just wanting to get this over with… I pick up the pace… and I notice this guy starts to trail me.. which of course makes me run faster… so now its me trying to shake off the moose.

No matter what I do.. I can NOT shake him… I jump logs he jumps.. I go into the woods off the main path he does too… (I only went off the path slightly seemed the better option than going over the wooden bridge, which the bridges were like sheets of ice…)

.... I run straight through the mud bogs and he does too…not that he is NOT suppose to be following the same path but I can sense he is following my exact route…

As I round a corner I come upon a couple who were tiptoeing around the mud… like.. HELLO>> HERE I COME… and so I go CRASHING through the mud bog.. spewing mud and slime all over them.. they were NOT happy …of course I am covered too.. but what could I do??!!.. stop and get out a hanky and wipe them down?..... I guess I should have said I was sorry... but I was out of breath.. and the freaking moose was still behind me and I WANTED to drop him like a bad habit…….

As I hit a steep turn, I completely lost my footing on the mud and went sliding to the left… screaming… I felt like a marshmallow being shot out of an air gun.. somehow I came out of the turn in tact with no blood or bruising…

With a mile left I entered a clearing and a nice FLAT section.. and then I die... my legs don’t want to move.. BUT ITS FLAT I tell them.. and they want no more part of this… and then the moose passes me… and then the couple I soiled PASSES ME.. I saw them smile... and the smile on my face got wiped right off!!!

… and then the fun ended.. 2 hours and 15 minutes …I cross the finish line... I see Joe and got my gorilla finisher medal. ...
Joe had finished in a phenomenal time of one hour and 58 minutes…SWEET!

Now to drive home… smelling like horse shit.. life is good!

PS: I thought so highly of the organization that put on this race and the fact that I love running races up North, I joined the Albany Running Exchange .. it's a group who has members of all ages and abilities, some local, some from other states. I had always wanted to join a running group that was just right, one that was perfect for me… and they are it!......oh and yeah they have a sweet looking jacket too…

Although it was pointed out to me (by one of my beloved friends)… that I was a little nutty and the only reason I wanted to join a running club that was 4 hours away in the next state was because I don't like people….hmmm...oh really…

PSS: look at this... I found this race that my new running group is putting on in July in NY… I like this part:
PASTURES..... You will go through CATTLE GRAZING PASTURES. All gates must be secured behind you. We will have rope loops to place over the post. We cannot let the cows out under any circumstances. And please do not step on any red newts!

How can you say that I don’t belong to this group!!!

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...