Dear Santa Claus, My name is Wendy. I am a girl and I am already 43 years old!! I live in the great city of Glenmoore. Of course, that's in Pennsylvania, United States, but I'll bet you knew that!! This year I've been so good that my halo is just a teensy weensy bit crooked!
Santa Claus, some things I might like for Christmas this year are: - HOT TUB; - CASH; and, - SWIMMING POOL.
Santa Claus, I almost forgot to say... Please santa I have been a really good girl and deserve a hot tub and cash this year.
Love, Wendy
#1, Rudolph Way
North Pole, Canada
Glenmoore, Pennsylvania
United States Friday, November 06, 2009
Merrrryyyy Christmas Wendy!!
Thank you for sending me your email all the way from Glenmoore! The Net sure is wonderful because now I can get emails from Glenmoore and around the world in the blink of an eye. Even Rudolph gets emails... from pets! Why, here's Rudolph right now! HO!! Ho!! ho!! He just asked me to say 'Hi!' to you!
Jumping Jingle Bells, Wendy! Are you fibbing to ol' Santa Claus?!? You can't possibly be 43 years old already! Why it seems like only yesterday that I was leaving presents for a certain little girl and here you are now, practically one of Santa's elves! (*grin*)
Sorry the presents the last little while probably haven't been quite as exciting as they were when you were a little girl but, well, you know how these things go (*wink*). Anyway, Santa's glad to see some of the 'older kids' (not to mention anyone in particular!) still take the time to write. I also hear you've been a really good girl. (Of course, you won't mind if I do a little checking, will you? HO!! Ho!! ho!!).
Let's see what you put in your letter for Christmas wishes: 1. hot tub; 2. cash and; 3. swimming pool. HO!! Ho!! ho!! Those ARE good presents Wendy! We've been so very busy this year that I hope you won't be too upset with me if you don't get everything you want for Christmas.
Oh yes, before I forget Wendy, the elves really want you to visit my new blog! It is called Santa Claus' Christmas Blog. My blog is all about Christmas, life at the North Pole, and me, Santa Claus ! You can even write messages to me and see what others have written. I can hardly wait to see what you write!
Oops! I guess I shouldn't have had that last cookie because a button just popped right off my suit. I better go see if Mrs. Claus has any thread left! ho!! Ho!! HO!!
Take care Wendy and don't forget to come back and visit me here at on Christmas Eve!! And remember... only 49 more sleeps until Christmas!!
BFF (Best Friends Forever :),
Here is a great, fun website for Christmas...
.. Can't wait.. 49 days until Christmas! Oh and by the way I didnt write this.. amazingly enough.. but it was soo funny I just HAD to post it... you can actually create one of your own letters online too... and track Santa...
...............Santa better leave me some good loot..!