Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chestertown 10 MIler Pics

Here are some pics from the Chestertown 10 Miler on Saturday.. it was 80 degrees with high humidity.. we both BONKED after 6 miles… the course is not shaded for a good portion of the race so once that sun starts beating on you, you feel like a cooked enchilada…

Here is Joe’s comments on the pictures:

These pictures don’t show nearly the level of “discomfort” I was in (although you can tell). Please note on the first pic who is finishing in front of who; I’d like to SLAP that smile right off her face.
To Joe's credit.. he TOLD me to go ahead.. I would NOT have done so without his blessing because when you run with someone you stay with them… but he told me to go head..what a sweetie!!!

… and then I heard this guy coming up trying to pass us… (In picture he is the guy right behind Joe and I)…..what an A-hole (not Joe) that guy was… coming up between us..trying to beat us in a sprint at end.. yeah like HELLO THERE HERO… boy you are tough man trying to sprint past two disabled people (after you saw us walking).. like yeah.. you scoring some big points there … BOZO.....did you want my #128 place?? ....NOT A CHANCE FAT ASS…

HE WAS NOT BEATING ME>. I may have been dead but no way no freaking A-HOLE beating me to finish… that jerk (not Joe to be clear) ALSO tried to pass me once we crossed the finish line and we were IN the finish shoot..!!!... UM.. Excuse me... I had to put out my arm to stop him.. that was after this pic was taken.. I thought I may have to put the beat down on him!!!!… can you imagine…??....me wrestling with him over 128th position….

Joe really did a wonderful job in such conditions.. and he helped me to the finish... I would take him to battle with me any day!!!… he is (whether he believes it or not)… a strong willed WONDERFUL man! ......THANK YOU JOE… !

PS: I still don’t want to do Eagleman if its going to be AFRICA hot again… UM>> NO... but alas I am sure in two weeks I will be out there swimming with the jelly fish, biking with the eagles and “running” with the elephants…

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...