Tuesday, May 26, 2009

To hose or not to hose?

Um.. so if you were following the story last week you would remember Joe cut the tip of his finger off.... fixing the washer machine..

....alas it was a small tip.. didnt need stitched and he did find it (the tip of his finger that is)... and he made a DAMN bloody mess everywhere.... but it's cleaned up now and on Saturday when I returned from my babysitting duties I asked him if it was ok to use the washer now.. he said yes.. I was delighted…

Of course the fact that he "forgot" to tell me he did NOT reattach the waste water hose.. and now a huge geyser of water is spewing out of the back of the washing machine... and my laundry room is now an indoor pool... and well I didn't think he knew SO MANY CURSE WORDS...fairly impressive I must say... and how many curse words can you say in 50 seconds?

Joe: Wendy did you not see that the hose was not attached!! ???

Wendy: Well... Joe no I didn’t ....(D-CKHEAD)

Joe: @@((*(*#(( @#*&(#^^^^#(((((!!!!! & and then some

Wendy: But you told me I could use the washing machine!! (WHAT AN A_HOLE)

Joe: BUT ... did you NOT see the hose was NOT attached????

(like you gonna tell me I have to check to see if there are tires on my car before I drive!??? WTF!!!!)

So…. beam ahead... an hour or so of mopping up and wet vacuuming... the entire Eastern seaboard…

Wendy: What am I suppose to do with the clothes that are in the washer half washed?

Joe: pull them out and hand wash them…


................because I was SPEECHLESS... and boy was he a BRAVE BRAVE MAN... to think of all the "utensils" I own... )

All-in-all things worked out.. the laundry room dried out… Joe reattached the hose.. and HE washed the load of clothes.. LIFE IS GOOD!

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...