Um.. so if you were following the story last week you would remember Joe cut the tip of his finger off.... fixing the washer machine..
....alas it was a small tip.. didnt need stitched and he did find it (the tip of his finger that is)... and he made a DAMN bloody mess everywhere.... but it's cleaned up now and on Saturday when I returned from my babysitting duties I asked him if it was ok to use the washer now.. he said yes.. I was delighted…
Of course the fact that he "forgot" to tell me he did NOT reattach the waste water hose.. and now a huge geyser of water is spewing out of the back of the washing machine... and my laundry room is now an indoor pool... and well I didn't think he knew SO MANY CURSE WORDS...fairly impressive I must say... and how many curse words can you say in 50 seconds?
Joe: Wendy did you not see that the hose was not attached!! ???
Wendy: Well... Joe no I didn’t ....(D-CKHEAD)
Joe: @@((*(*#(( @#*&(#^^^^#(((((!!!!! & and then some
Wendy: But you told me I could use the washing machine!! (WHAT AN A_HOLE)
Joe: BUT ... did you NOT see the hose was NOT attached????
So…. beam ahead... an hour or so of mopping up and wet vacuuming... the entire Eastern seaboard…
Wendy: What am I suppose to do with the clothes that are in the washer half washed?
Joe: pull them out and hand wash them…
................because I was SPEECHLESS... and boy was he a BRAVE BRAVE MAN... to think of all the "utensils" I own... )
All-in-all things worked out.. the laundry room dried out… Joe reattached the hose.. and HE washed the load of clothes.. LIFE IS GOOD!