So I am sitting here looking at the newspaper.. the weekender to be exact… to see what special events are happing in the area… its been said before that I can find just about anything…
I think I have......
Whack & Roll Croquet Tournament
SO very interested in what this is all about.. I click on the link ...
The WHACK & ROLL Tournament is a tournament professionally managed by Croquet Your Way, LLC and sanctioned by the United States Croquet Association (USCA).
Salad buffet lunch included for each player. Friday night Reception on the Lawn also included for All-Comer teams.
HMM… there is a United States Croquet Association? .. so I research further..
Dress Code
Croquet players customarily wear all white apparel on court. In all USCA titled events, such apparel is expected. The tournament director must approve any exceptions
How Play is Made
Play is made by striking a ball with a mallet. The player so playing is called the striker, and the ball that is struck, the striker ball. The striker may never hit an adversary ball with the mallet. By striking the striker ball, the striker may cause it, or any other ball it hits to move and/or to score a point.
The Turn
The players play each turn in the order of blue, red, black, and yellow. A player is initially entitled to one shot in a turn, after which the turn ends unless the striker ball has scored a wicket point or hit another ball. When a wicket is scored, the striker is entitled to play one additional or continuation shot. When another ball (whether opponent’s or partner’s) is hit by the striker ball, the striker is said to have made a “roquet” on that ball and the striker ball is entitled to two extra shots and becomes “dead” on that ball.
(UM...K………… )
Detrimental Behavior
Courtesy and good sportsmanship are expected of all players and officials at all times. Players are under an obligation to avoid acts that may be considered detrimental to the game of croquet. For example, players should not:
swear at a player, official or spectator,
use obscene, abusive or insulting language or gestures, or
throw a mallet or hit a ball in protest or anger.
Any spectator or player who abuses an official or player, or interferes with the game will be warned and directed by the Tournament Director to desist. If the abuse or interference continues, the person may be directed to leave the tournament area. In a case of flagrant abuse, the directive to leave may be given without a warning. Any such instance should be reported to the USCA Grievance Committee.
(UM... K.... I suppose I should keep my POTTY MOUTH outta there??)