Tuesday, August 25, 2009

BE TRUE to your beliefs

Whether or not my political views match that of my mother’s… the fact that she believes in something so much that she would actually jump on a bus and head to Washington, DC (a good 2+ hour drive) is admirable… although crazy… still admirable..

So how did I find this out?.. I mean it's not like she outright told me… NO..I find this out casually… talking on the phone with her yesterday after work….

Wendy to Mom: So how is everything mom?

Mom To Wendy: “Great.. I got a new purse that straps across my shoulders and should be really good for when I go to Washington..”

S-C-R-E-E-C-H.. HALT>>>>>> !!!!!

"UM… excuse me?… what do you mean Washington???".... (thinking perhaps I may not have heard her correctly ….mom is not the traveling type)..

So she says she is going to Washington DC.. I said, "For what!?" …. she said, "For the tax protest".. ..

....."TAX PROTEST???.... What Tax Protest…!!???" (There is a website about this protest: http://912dc.org/ )


She said, "A bus and we are all wearing orange shirts with... "(something on it I didn’t pay attention because I am completely in shock )… "NO WAY.." (dumbfounded)…

.... "When are you going.????"...... "Saturday, September 12th".... "UM.." (I really cant believe it)….

... "Like what time.???"... "bus leaves at 7am and returns at 9pm.. "

..."Um… how the heck are you going to??"SIGH.. "Never mind.. what does dad think of this!"

...."Dad approves..... (not that she needs his approval but he is condoning this).. I said, “Dad approved this???!!!..

[You mean the man who is half "senile” .. who rides around WC forgetting he left his trunk/tail gate of his truck open..???....so riding with it up in the air around town... .. and like didn’t he hear the sounds of gushing air traveling through his truck while he was driving!!!…).. for the love of G-d…. !!! UGH!!!]
I told her she BETTER NOT get arrested, missing, in the hospital or anything!..... Especially the day before my marathon (because as you know this is all about me!)..

I can't believe dad is allowing her to go down there unattended… what is he thinking!..... I wasn’t even allowed to go to a concert in PHILLY when I was a teenager… ugh!!!

My family is C-R-A-Z-Y… no wonder I am crazy…!!!

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...