Saturday, August 22, 2009

What will be... WILL BE

Just for the record... it's one thing to train to complete a's a totally different thing to actually train to race the blasted thing for a specific a qualifying time....

For those who are just signing on.. I have been training all spring and summer to qualify for the Boston Marathon... I need a 3 hrs 50 mins (8:46 per mile pace) to do so. I am racing Lehigh Marathon on September 13th as the first attempt to do so.. if I don't make it then, I have Rehoboth Marathon on November 21st.


NOW....Just for the record.... if I have to hold this pace for 26.2 miles.. my legs will fall the F- off!!!... i am MOST certain of it!!!....I just don’t know... 21 days until the Lehigh Marathon..September I ready???.. you bet!.... but bring a stretcher...!

This is how today's LAST long run panned out:

Decided to run my long run today instead of tomorrow.. to get it out of the way.. kinda ticked Joe off.. because he said he needed "time" before just getting up and running 20 miles... and that we were suppose to run it tomorrow am.. so like I said he was kinda ticked off with my change of plans... I am sorry honey... sometimes well I just get this bug ..

(This pic is from Florida but I am thinking appropriate )

So whistling a happy tune I get my gear on and head out into the wild blue yonder... 20 miles is on the schedule... I have to remember I am running with an extra 8 pounds due to I have a backpack on with 3 extra waters, plus my cell phone, my perpetium bottle, and gummy worms...

I get not even a half mile up road and said a little prayer for the people who have extra weight on them and attempt to run.. GOD BLESS YOU...

I looked for some flattish terrain.. YEAH lots of luck with that Wendy... not sure WHY PA is so least in our area... sucks..I did find a section that was kinda flat.. it was about 1/2 mile long .... so me... and the backpack went up and down this section.. A gazillon times... till I hit about 6 miles.... talk about gnaw my arm off..stupid pet tricks.. it's the first thing I thought of .. I mean ... who really does this crap anyway...?

I stopped to refuel at mile 7... sat in the road (it was a backroad no worries).. kinda felt a bit miserable... totally soaked.. and its only mile 7.. that is still 13 miles to go... I look at watch and sigh...

Then back at it... .insane.... stopped at mile 10 to refuel again.. ...10 more to go... somehow no matter HOW MUCH I LOVE TO RUN... running long at a faster clip is just NOT PLEASANT.. thankfully I have my ipod on and am listening to some kill kill hate music.. really helps..

THANK GOD backpack is now lighter .. down to one extra bottle... the humidity..... just spiteful.. I leave the "flattish area" and head to the hills...

Stopped again at mile 13 to refuel.. JEEZ US... with this many breaks I am lucky if I am keeping any pace at all.. onward... I get to mile 14.. . if I SEE ANOTHER M-F- HILL I WILL SCREAM..!!!

I come up with a plan... go home and finish the run on the treadmill... AWESOME IDEA!

I get home ....change clothes and shoes.. since everything was SOAKING wet.. with the intention on jumping on the treadmill to finish rest of run..

YEAH.. you think a flat treadmill would be better.. ?... um.. I suppose if the legs didn’t feel like hamburger... oh wow.. and everything started to stiffen when the air conditioning hit them... and them puppies are hurting..!!.

I stopped at 2 miles.. almost broke down and cried...

I got off treadmill.. got some gummy worms.. back on treadmill.. another mile... whew... ok... GOTTA see if I can at least do one more freaking mile... YES>> !!! I jump off treadmill and literarily kissed the ground... TOTAL 4 miles on treadmill.. total 18 miles.. DONE.. DONE... DONE>..... not 20 but close enough....

My ipod is NOW broke (i dont know it just dont work)... and What will be... will be.. So maybe after a good three weeks of tapering my legs will surprise me...???.... Great picture huh? This is what I believe will be at the finish line at Lehigh waiting for me to make 3:50!

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...