Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tussey Mountain 50 Miler

Saturday, October 3, 2009
(click on Tussey Mountain title for link to website)
..and the silence.....
..........yes.. but of course silly people..yes I'm doing a 50 mile ultra run... in a week.... now trying to figure out when I will scream mommy.......if you sit around and wait for surely will die......

Course Elevation Chart Total:

Leg 1: Start: 7am
Leg #1: Three Bridges, One Leg-Breaker
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 3.2 miles; difficult
Topography: Mostly gently climbing, with some steep ascents.

Projected time: 7:35am Total miles 3

Leg 2:
Leg #2: Down to the Swamp
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 4.0 miles; easy
Topography: Downhill to level; gravel.

Projected time: 8:15-8:21am Total miles 7

Leg 3:
Leg #3: Race to the Beach
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 3.8 miles; easy
Topography: Fairly flat; gravel and then finishes on paved road.

Projected time: 8:55-9:07am Total miles 11

Leg 4:
Leg #4: Three Up, Three Down
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 6.2 miles; difficult
Topography: Gently rolling, with several long hills.

Projected time: 10:05-10:27am Total miles 17.2

Leg 5:
Leg #5: The Breeze
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 3.4 miles; easy
Topography: All downhill or flat.

Projected finish: 10:45-11:07am Total miles 20.6

Leg 6:
Leg #6: Made in the Shade
Mileage/degree of difficulty:5.3 miles; moderate to difficult
Topography: Gently rolling with some moderate climbs.

Projected finish: 11:45am-12:21pm Total miles 25.9
*Need to arrive by 1:00 for cut off

Leg 7:
Leg #7: Miles from Nowhere
Mileage/degree of difficulty:4.9 miles; moderate.
Topography: Uphill, flat, then gently rolling.

Projected finish: 12:40-1:23pm Total miles 30.8

Leg 8:
Leg #8: A Flash of Civilization
Mileage/degree of difficulty:2.8 miles; easy.
Topography: Mostly flat, then gently rolling.

Projected finish: 1:10-2:00pm Total miles 33.6

Leg 9:
Leg #9: Head for the Lake
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 2.9 miles; easy.
Topography: Begins uphill, then gently rolling and downhill.

Projected finish: 1:41-2:37pm Total miles 36.5
**Need to arrive at 36 miles by 3:38 pm for cutoff

Leg 10:
Leg #10: Are We There Yet?
Mileage/degree of difficulty:5.3 miles; difficult.
Topography: Flat, gently rolling to more serious ups and downs.

Projected finish: 2:50-3:51pm Total miles 41.8
**Need to arrive at 42 miles by 5:00 pm for cutoff

Leg 11:
Leg #11: Climb to the Vista
Mileage/degree of difficulty:4.0 miles; moderate/difficult.
Topography: Progressive ups and downs.

Projected finish: 3:35-4:51pm Total miles 45.8

Leg 12:
Leg #12: Trucks Use Lower Gear!
Mileage/degree of difficulty: 4.2 miles; easy.
Topography: Mostly downhill, winding.

Projected finish: 4:10-5:51pm Total miles 50.0

**Need to arrive at 50 miles by 7:00 pm for cutoff

Elevation Change:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Philly Distance Run (13.1 Miles)

Well, the delay is because I cant seem to catch up on anything this week.

After the Marathon extravaganza and the subsequent doctor visit and blood work.. I was given the A-OK… to continue my training and to race last Sunday at the Philadelphia Distance Run (13.1 miles).

Although I was excited about racing I was a bit annoyed that I actually had to drive into Philly the day before to pick up my race packet.. nothing like driving down Route 76 and back TWICE in the same weekend.. sure people do it every day to go to work.. but do you see what they look like?.. wild hair.. crazed look in their eyes..??.... yeah.. no thank you..

So after fighting traffic and rolling into center city.. I locate the first convenient parking lot …which by the way is quite a few blocks from where I needed to be.. but at least I am parked.. whew.. DONE..

The nice parking man pointed to this really, really tiny parking spot smack between two vehicles.. I look over and squint my eyes.. hmmm.. he does see the size of my truck?.. right???

I pull in and park.. "No"...(his arms waving around like an air traffic controller)… "You must turn (as he jesters and spins his fingers in mid air circles).. it around.." indicating that I must BACK the truck into the little itty bity parking spot…

I hop out of truck.. and walk over to him.. "There aint NO WAY I am going to be able to back up that big ole truck in that little tiny parking spot without taking out both those vehicles.." (me pointing to the little tiny space…)..I mean I am good at maneuvering the truck but I ain't that good!

He said.. no problem… takes my keys, and whips the truck around and in the it was nothing… wow.. fairly impressive.. of course there was no way he was getting outta the truck without nailing the guy’s vehicle next to it..yeah..

So I ask him the way to the convention center.. he points down a street and off I go..
.the city is a bit overwhelming… just A LOT going on … and after a healthy walk through what I believe was China Town.. I arrived at the convention center and found myself amongst hordes of other runners… A RUNNING MECCA…

They have a good racket going.. I spent over an hour at the expo buying all kinds of “useful” running stuff.. With my arms full and a hole burned in my pocket… I skipped back to my vehicle… and back onto the highway of hell… amazing how fast the weekend actually goes when you have one little race to run............

Race Day
I am one for getting to races early.. to get a good parking spot and to stay relaxed... so up at 4:30am.. arriving in Philly around 6:20 am.. DONE... now after circling up and down one way streets I finally settled on a parking lot at 21st and Market .. and low and behold I run into our friend Steve.. it was comforting to have a familiar face to walk through the city with.

The morning was cold (the temperature at the bank stated 48 degrees) and I made mention to Steve that, "THANK GOD I don’t have to get in the water".. meaning thank God I don’t have to do a triathlon and swim in this cold weather!..... count your blessing when you can!!!...

The morning was absolutely perfect for running… after another healthy walk to the starting line, we waited with hordes of other runners on the steps of the art museum and watched the sunrise… I found myself really thankful.. Thankful that I was able to run.. thankful that I had friends and thankful that I could enjoy this beautiful morning.

I rubbed shoulders with a few of the Kenyan elite runners and I instantly wished that Joe would have come. He didn’t want any part of the city thing.. and well I dont blame him but he has just got to do this next year.. it was soo much fun!

The race itself went well. They started us in waves which is always nice … I was in corral 5 as I had projected a finish time of 1:48.... Either I was really confident in my training or QUITE delusional…that would be a two minute best time for me if that happened...

It helped a lot knowing that Joe and mom were at home “watching” the race on their computers.... They couldn’t physically see me run but they could refresh their computers and see when I passed the 5K, 10K, and 10 mile markers…by the electronic timing chip I was wearing... knowing they were doing that gave me incentive to run strong to each marker...

Unbeknownst to me.. Joe was watching and SCREAMING at the computer for me not to slow down.. I wish I COULD HAVE SEEN THAT….

The course was great, really flat.. and the goal was to pick up my pace if I felt strong with three miles to go.. although I felt strong I just didnt want to risk blowing up and waited until I hit the 12 mile marker to "pick it up".. boy amazing how well you can run knowing you "ONLY" have a mile and some left... I started my sprint with a quarter mile left and got bunched up on the hairpin turn and almost had to do the WWF smackdown on them.....I got myself outta the traffic jam... running wide.. and then came in to the finish… I was pleased to cross at 1.48.04..

Within 4 seconds of my predicted finish time.. shame they don’t give out awards for that! ..I was 94 out of 807 women in my age group… not too shabby for an ole lady..

Now to get out of philly....which would have been ok, IF I had walked the correct way down 21st street ... … sigh.. now some rest and then some fun ..

Race Specs:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No drama Right!?

Perhaps it's not loss of blood that is exhausting me.. perhaps it’s just ALL THE FREAKING DRAMA!!!!

I had a doctors appointment yesterday in the am.. I needed to get checked out after the marathon fiasco. I was hoping it would be real quick.. he would just prick my finger tell me I needed Iron, give me a RX for some supplements and be done with it.. but alas no..

I am in the waiting room for over 30minutes listening to some man who I swear was one foot in the grave..he came into the waiting room wheeling behind him some sort of contraption… God …I am so lucky to be “healthy” ..

As we are waiting.. he starts to gag, I politely ignore… as not to embarrass him… but I do kinda keep an eye on him… although the nurses are like six feet from us… then he starts to make sounds as though he was birthing a giant phlegm ball..the most vile sounds came out of this man.. and I looked at him with great concern.. and he SWITCHED on his machine… which by the way sounded like a high pitched fighter jet… and it made a SWOOOSHING SOUND.. and he retched and spit into the machine… aweful.. just aweful.. I am not evil.. really I am not… BUT he made ME want to retch and I had to get out of there... !!..thank God they called my name…..

So Dr and I talk.. he checks me out.. blood pressure good.. weight.. VERY GOOD>… nice.. he orders some blood tests, testing for anemia, thyroid, vitamin deficiency, the works… said I also need to follow up with the “OTHER” doctor.. (aka: woman’s doctor) too… we shake hands and his last parting words were… we will see what results come back as ..worse case we would have to do a blood transfusion and or C&D.. UM.. yeah ok… NOT….

I think I managed well.. a full days work, the day after a marathon and being slightly ill and all…

So after work.. as I was walking to the truck….texting Joe something about our marathon in November… I looked up.. spotted my truck.. and continued onward… walking and texting… as I got closer to my truck I look up… click it open and get in… I put my purse and lunch pail on the passenger seat and finish my text to Joe… I notice my truck smells great… that air fresher that Heather bought me really works well… I have to remember to thank her… I send my text… I close the door and take my keys to start the engine.. huh? …I look over… what the F- is that????… I look around… takes a minute.. JEEZ US! This is NOT MY TRUCK!!

Like the vehicle is on fire …I jump out… grabbing my purse and lunch pail… and I look again at it… how in the hell… ???.... same exact truck .. same EXACT COLOR and everything… honest mistake.. but how the hell did I open it? (yikes maybe it was never locked??)… I am completely mortified.. I scurry over to where my truck is… looking around to make sure no one saw me… I get in the CORRECT vehicle and kinda slinked down like so no one could see me?? I mean really… ugh.. I got the heck out of there!

Blood Work
hi..went to get my blood work done this am to test for anemia and such… would you believe the M-Fers took 6 vials of blood from me.!!!!. what part of patient has possible blood loss / anemia did they miss.. ???!! Three large vials and three medium… WHAT overkill… !

If that didn’t exhaust me the ride there most certainly did… … I was stuck in traffic getting to the Paoli Quest lab… took me almost an hour to get there… which should have been maybe a 30 minute at most trip… thankfully I was only a few minutes late when I got to the office… so I rush out of the truck and go to open door to lab and it’s stuck.. like huh? Then I notice there is a sign on the door.. sorry.. closed… go to #15 building next to hospital.. UGH!!!! Already weak and now you are making me play fetch.. !!

So back in car.. back in traffic, try and find building next to hospital… get there.. OK NOW I AM LATE… I rush in… I sign in… um.. where’s my paper work.. UGH!!!! Left it in the truck!… I RUN to my truck to get it… sure I am still sore from the marathon but I don’t want them to call my name and me not be there.. I get the papers.. run back into office.. I am out of breath…I stagger back in office holding door.. slightly lightheaded and I sit down.. whew… I look up and everyone is looking at me… !....I am sorry.. WHAT THE F- you LOOKING AT! Whatever… I pick up a magazine and read..

They call my name.. she looks at clock (I guess noticing that I am LATE.. no really!).. I go in.. they take my blood and sent me on my way… if I wasn’t dizzy before I sure as hell am going to be dizzy now… I jump in car and head to work… I figure I probably have about what 10 minutes before the body notices it’s down a few vials of blood and I make it to the store to get some orange juice, coffee, and a bear claw… and then I sit for a second in my truck to make sure everything is ok..

So in a few days I will find out if anything is a miss.. not that I think I am anemic.. but something definitely is a bit off.. I think it was just a bad period time and I shouldn’t have run… and will know better next time it happens.. but like a good girl at least I am making sure nothing is wrong..

Either case I am excited… I figured I will be making all fresh blood NOW and be able to KICK all kinds of runners butts!! Right!??

I know I don’t cause all this drama myself.. right?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Type O Negative - Lehigh Marathon

WARNING: This note has some graphic wording... sorry but it’s the only way to tell the tale correctly...

Type O- ....yeah that’s my blood type and yeah it's what was missing today..... See I planned this marathon training perfectly.. not only did I totally behave and not do ANY races for almost two months (and for someone like me who was used to doing one and sometimes two a week.. this took ALOT of restraint)..

I followed a specific training plan that upped my weekly miles to around 45 miles a week and I ate right, carbed right, fueled right, hit all my pacing goals for my training runs.. in fact according to all my training runs and how unbelievably great I felt I was hoping to not only run a 3.50 and qualify for Boston but was even hoping to maybe get a 3.45..... I knew I could do it!

What I didn't count on was my monthly “visitor”.. yes my period..... Ok so you say so.. big deal.. well perhaps it would be if I wasn’t bleeding like Mount St. Helens... yesterday I bled so much I had to change three times as I went through three pairs of underwear and two pairs of shorts.... this morning was no different, blood bath....(sorry told you graphic but I did warn you)...

What did I think I was more than human??... That I would be able to pull the body for 26.2 miles being blood deficit? ...On what?.... sheer grit and determination???.. you know how you feel after you give blood...that listless, exhausted, lightheaded feeling?... kinda like that but magnified... of course if I was smart... I would never have started the race..

I pulled up some information on heavy menstruation and running... and oh lack of iron...

Excessive Menstrual Bleeding:
An estimated one in five women bleed so heavily during their periods they have to put their lives on hold. The general term for this condition is "menorrhagia," meaning periods that are too heavy or that go on longer than the typical seven-day menstrual cycle. It is more common in women over 35 as hormonal levels shift during the transition to menopause. At this time of your life, you may have more menstrual cycles without ovulating (so your ovary doesn't release an egg). Without ovulation, your uterine lining builds up, leading to heavier than normal periods. However, heavy uterine bleeding can occur at any age.

Symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding include:
• Soaking through a tampon and/or pad every hour or less for several hours at a time
• Needing to use double protection during your period
• Heavy clots in the menstrual blood flow
• Periodsthat last longer than seven days or come more often than every 21 days
• Severe cramping
• Fatigue
• Shortness of breath (a sign of anemia)
• Irregular periods (sometimes they come every 28 days, sometimes every 24 days,
sometimes every 34 days).
Menorrhagia is a major cause of iron-deficient anemia.

Question: Is there a certain age group of women who are more likely to have problems with heavy menstrual periods?

Answer: Yes. If you are between the ages of 40 and 50, you have a higher risk of excessive menstrual periods. This condition is more common as you get closer to menopause. But if you've just begun to menstruate, you may find similar problems with abnormally heavy periods. That's because young women who've just begun menstruating also have menstrual periods without ovulating more often than other age groups.

Normal woman typically lose about 2.5 ounces of blood a month during their periods—about the amount in a double espresso. With abnormally heavy bleeding, however, women can lose as much as 10 to 25 times that amount. Many doctors consider bleeding abnormal if you're soaking through a tampon and/or pad every hour or less for several consecutive hours.

The loss of blood during menstruation may lead to a shortage of iron, which makes a woman anaemic. Sports men and women have increased demands for iron. Hard training stimulates an increase in red blood cell and blood vessel production, and increases the demand for iron. (Iron turnover is highest for endurance athletes training at high intensity). In endurance athletes, ‘foot strike’ damage to red blood cells in the feet due to running on hard surfaces with poor quality shoes can also lead to iron loss. Finally, because iron is lost in sweat, heavy sweating causes an increased risk of deficiency. Iron deficiency can also be corrected with a good diet and iron supplements. Iron supplements are also often recommended if you are a vegetarian.

The goal today was to run fairly even splits around 8.46 pace.. no faster than 8.40 and no slower than 8.50... I didn’t start off fast or so I thought but we instantly had a down hill quad crusher than sent my first mile to 8 mins with no relative effort. I immediately attempted to tone it down and found it really hard to regulate... and kept going from 8.30 to 9.10... bla... bla.... but I did average a little under what I projected but not too fast...

However, what I didn’t know was that by mile 4 body had already used up all it’s resources, not from a fast pace, but from lack of blood... I fatigued instantly, as though someone had sprayed sleeping dust on me... and my legs and arms started to shut down, and then I got dizzy... so dizzy that it made me sick to my stomach... and it was only MILE 4!!

I didn’t panic I hoped and prayed that it would pass... that somehow my body would reproduce red bloods cells at warp speed... BUT NO such luck... by mile 7 Joe had to pass me.. He did so well staying behind me but at that point he knew I was done... I told him I didn’t think I would make it....I saw how sad he was for me and it broke my heart...

I told him .... the blood loss got to me.. I was deathly ill and dizzy and I would try and catch a ride at next aid station to finish... what Joe heard was slightly different than this (this will come into play later) but you cant blame ANYONE running a marathon to hear anything correctly.

Sure I was disappointed.... but what could I do????.. when I signed up for the marathon the monthly visitor was nowhere near the scheduled marathon day.. I guess it decided to move itself...whatever... you can only do what the body commands.. and the body said STOP... so I walked... and kept my heart rate down.. then I would jog a bit and instantly got more dizzy.. now I felt like retching... so uncool.. now I couldn’t even take my gels because I thought I would thrown them back up...

Somehow, I made it to the next aid station and it was manned by no one of intelligence (meaning just some younger kids....) so off I go to get to the half way point because there HAS GOT to be someone to drive me to finish... NOT.. I get to the half way point.. that’s 13.1 miles ....and the only thing there are some cops.. which I guess I could have gone over and asked their help ....but they were doing such a great job directing traffic, I dare not bother them.... so I plug on... me.. my vertigo, my body two “pints” less of blood...

My mother gave me hell on the phone after the race... saying that I shouldn’t have run while blood deficient... because I could have a heart attack because that's how dad had his second heart attack.. and like how did I know.. I mean.. really?

It was really humid in the first half and everyone’s clothes were literally soaked with sweat.. perhaps that didn’t help either. ... so me.. brain dead and “anemic” body sloshed along... I heard after the race that Heather was at mile 20 waiting for us... but I never got to see her.... Joe had told her I had dropped out and that I had returned to start (like how he twisted that story?).. yeah wait it gets better ..

The cramping started around mile 22.... I knew it had to come.. I wasn’t getting my nutrition in due to feeling like I was going to toss my cookies.. so I knew eventually the legs would start to seize up.. what I didn’t know was the fact that I was walking/running 13 min miles until a fat 70 year old dude with two knee braces and lisping to the side...passed me... OH DAMN... could I move any slower???!!!

I found out where all the medics and transport people were.. I passed a younger dude.. probably mid 30’s laying in the path being attended to.. he didn’t look ill .. looked like he had just enough and laid down in the path.. I ALMOST at first thought it was Joe and I was pissed.. I mean MOTHER F-er better not be going to hospital again!!.. but alas it was NOT JOE... and then I realized.. hey.. so that's how you do it!!... I should have just laid my stinking ill ass in the path.. THEN I would have either gotten my transfusion or a ride to finish.. damn!

Yeah this stubborn butt made it to the finish... I think I held it together really well.. I didn’t cry.. and I didn’t get upset.. I mean what can you do??.. you can do everything perfect and something as simple as this can blow it all up... it’s out of my hands.. BUT what I didn’t count on was for Joe to LEAVE me in Easton at the finish line... !!

It’s kinda funny.. and I feel sorry for Joe too because he got our conversation all messed up... the course was a point to point.. meaning we started at Lehigh Hospital in Allentown and ran 26.2 miles through Bethlehem ending in Easton....they would bus us back to the start to get our cars...

SO... I run up the last hill.. yes this course was not as flat as they said.. I didn’t think so.. I mean how can Allentown area be FLAT!... so I run up the last hill... gritting my teeth.. breathing like an asthma patient... I make it to the finish... YAHOO!!!!. I clocked in my second worse time ever... 5 hours and a minute and some.. GREAT... whatever.. least I am done.. now to sit down...

And wait for Joe to find me.. they had announced my name when I finished and in previous races he would then know I finished and find me... so I wait.... and I wait.. and I wait.. 10 minutes pass and I thought perhaps I should go find him ..since he has yet to find me...

Perhaps maybe he didn’t hear my name being elderly man offers a hand to help me up and off I go hobbling around to find Joe... hmmm.. no Joe... hmm.. no Joe.... so I thought I would go over and retrieve my bag with my change of clothes and recovery drink mix in it..(the volunteers brought them to the finish for us)..I thought I could change while I wait and get my recovery drink in me... .. UM>> NO bag.... Lady said it was already picked up.. ok.. thanks..

So I am sure Joe is ok.. because he picked up his bag and mine.. maybe he is in the porta pot or something... so off I go to try and find something to eat and/or look at the vendors....who.. WTF!!.. were all cleaning up... in fact as I neared one table the people were putting their free giveaways in a box so fast that by the time I actually got to the table... the table was folded up and in the hand of the volunteer.. ok.. that was rude..

So I hobbled over to get a frozen icy.. I SWEAR TO GOD.. just as I made it to the truck it drove away leaving me in a wake of fumes... dejected and getting really upset now I go sit on the curb and put my head down and CRY.. I cry that gut wrenching cry like someone died... JOE F_ING LEFT ME!!!!!

So once I decided that no one gives a rats ass that I am sick, unfed, left on the sidewalk, didn’t make Boston, I say.. self you must take care of yourself... I decided to take the shuttle back to the start.... it has been almost an hour and there is no Joe....

I figured that Joe HAS for whatever reason... gone to the start where our truck was... . and so I board the shuttle.. then I realize ...I have the truck key.. (alas Joe would not be able to get in truck if in fact he is at the truck... )

The driver for the shuttle was a little insane..I thought he was kidnapping us.. he drove over 70 miles per hour weaving in and out of do I know this??? ....Because I was sitting up front ...wide eyed...imagining us flying off the expressway into a ravine......SO you think we then got back fast???...NOPE.. like I said I thought he was kidnapping us...

I really don’t know how much later it was but we made it back to start and there was Joe standing by the truck..... with our two clothing bags...

I didn’t give him hell... I was just so freaking glad to see him and he didn’t give me hell.... I think he was just really glad to see me too..

He had PR’d.. meaning he broke his previous record on the marathon by 10 minutes.. which is phenomenal ...but he was disappointed that he didn’t break 4 hours... I told him it would come.. he was concerned with how I felt and all that... and I said what will be.... will be...
I am glad I get to share things like this with Joe... and he did carry his epi pen.. and we have Rehoboth Marathon in November... so more to come I am sure...

Although... JUST ONCE I would like to do a race without DRAMA!

PS: I am going to doctors tomorrow to get checked out and get a blood test and whatever test they test for anemia and such.. just as a precaution.. because I got some really COOL stuff coming up.. you just wait!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Busy as Bees


Organized and efficient.... two great tools for moving....on Friday, Joe reserved a moving truck and I had to pick it up..not a problem except it was rush hour.... and that I .....would be driving ....the big ole truck…..

GO… ok.. hello… GO!... I had to basically stand on on the gas to make it lurch forward….damn.. sorry bud.. but if I were you... tiny little car you... I'd move... H-E-L-L-O breaks….I am the shit... and should NOT.. NOT ..NOT... be behind big vehicles!!!

4 miles later... ..WHEW.. home.. done.. ok.. should I back up the driveway?.. giggle.. why not.. Sure… um.. jeez us… (Potty mouth) no that didn’t work…

Ok, WTF… this truck driving shit is HARD.... ugh I leave the truck in the cul-de-sac….I should have just waved to the neighbors...because I am sure they were watching from their windows with mouths open..... HAVOC..... that girl is just H-A-V-O-C....

Oh and how precious.... the license plate states Oklahoma.. yeah sweet….

Ok.. now to get my vehicle that I left at the rent a truck shop… yeah 4 miles away… Run gear on… Organized and efficient.

MOVING DAY.. Heather moving into her new apartment... I am not sure how to properly explain the packing and boxing technique she used... leave it at...that she is just like Joe.

I don’t think she removed much from her bins or drawers .. “Mom why bother, I am just going to put the stuff back in them.”…..

“Well Heather, I don’t know.. why do I make my bed every morning when I have to get back in it?”

So off they go (Joe and Heather) and the BIG OLE TRUCK... to meet the other movers and get her settled into her new apartment in Lancaster….very cool. …. I lucked out.. I conveniently had a sport massage appointment and would miss carrying the plethora of shit up three flights of steps.. sad.. sniff ...sniff..

Let’s see… I have some time before my appointment what projects to get into… hmmm.. wash the garage doors, wash my bike, cut down some branches off the tree hanging in the driveway…. SIMPLE...

* Except the fact I was using BLEACH on the garage door… don’t worry no damage…well the freaking power washer is broke what the F- was I suppose to do!..
* That I actually climbed the tree with a 4 foot saw…sap stuck to my hair... wedged in tree..fairly high up... .....perhaps this was not the wisest choice of projects.. sigh...SIGH.... yeah the girl is H-A-V-O-C....
So off to the sports massage… YES SIR!. (yes of course I washed the sap off my legs but hadn't time to remove it from my hair, I did warn my sports guy, sorry... dude least I washed it off the legs)

... I have NEW LEGS... sports massage went wonderfully... on the way home I make a few LITTLE pit stops to pick up some “stuff” to fill Heather’s empty bedroom...... $$$ later I have a truck full of crap.. whistling, I drove back home..... Not even 3 hours after Heather had moved out .. I had her old bedroom refurbished.. nice.. organized and efficient!

SO OH no.. Saturday is not yet over… I am on nanny duty for my nephews….
The night went well, they really were great.. no major drama.. only a couple snafoos... the middle child flipped backwards and over the chair .. nailing the brick fireplace..

....YEAH.. talk about a show stopper… S-H-I-T!!…thankfully their mother had put rubber bumpers all over the sides of the bricks… VERY COOL MOM! ......Then the same child nailed HIMSELF in the back of his own head with his light saber… it was plastic and no blood… and to think it was the littlest one, the four year, the one that can start vehicles and call his father in a nano second that I was originally worried about.

I woke up feeling not too rested… watching kids was hard… A week until Marathon…

Inhaled evil spores during run today… allergy attack… yeah sure hope this shit don’t happen during the marathon… fun.. fun.. (click here for more training info Boston Baby)

PS:Sure do miss heather…. sniff sniff... . miss you honey... Attached are pics of Wendy's new sports room, art room (AKA Heather's old bedroom)...

PSS: More Pics from Wendy's new room, art table.. Heather miss you honey!

PSS: Don’t worry honey, I moved all your trophies and pictures, boxed them up real nice, they are in the attic.. love ya

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mice and Snakecapades

Not much going on in the drama department… I mean nothing other than the usual mice and snakecapades... Heather moving out and the house is in total upheaval.... mom is still determined to rally against the "evils" in Washington.... the animals think 4:00 am is the new breakfast time.. and oh yeah we have a marathon in less than two weeks.... other than that nothing really exciting....

So here is the mice and snakecapades story:

What a fiasco..I said to Joe I thought I smelled something musty in basement.. he said he didn’t know.. so I investigate. In the heater room a couple of the sticky bug traps were sprung and it looked like something went to war with them, all sorts of stuff stuck; hair, mice poo, large green tape, you name it was stuck there...

I look over to the french drain and see another trap stuck in the drain…. so stuck between the wall and floor… hmm....I go back upstairs to tell Joe of my findings… I think... perhaps... there may be a mouse in the french drain stuck to the paper bug trap.... thinking he would RUSH right down there and expunge it from our house… WRONG… he said he was not dealing with this before dinner.. ok whatever….

So after dinner he makes NO move to go downstairs to check out the situation… sigh.. so I slep down there and look at situation…. figuring I will just pull the trap out of the drain and see.. I blink… I blink again… what the heck?!… orange and black coils.. I sprint back upstairs.. "Joe…." (ignoring me).. "JOE… I think there is a snake downstairs!!" ...
He mumbled something and followed me...

"See".. (as I am pointing to the orange and black thing stuck near the trap and wall)... he peered over and cursed... IT’S A SNAKE..

Now I am kinda pissed.. he makes no movement to rid the vile creature from our house... so I go get the barbecue tongs... PULL.. PULL...PULL... jeez us he is hard… and then the Mother F-er moves!!! ... JEEZ US... he is A-L-I-V-E!!!

So now I am screaming....Joe is hollering… I am PULLING... and screaming.. and Joe is HOLLERING... and we get him in a bucket. Then I feel bad..

Poor snake's head stuck to sticky stuff on trap.. so I am outside trying to pry it's head off the stuff and he is hissing and spitting and his tail is whipping around in circles... yo bud.. you need to step back and calm your hissing self!!!

I did the best I could to unstick him before I threw him back in the woods… And so the real question is... we have a cat... and the purpose of our cat is to what??

PS: picture too funny or what? (this is a cobra not the snake in our house but mines of well been)

PSS: My cousin asked why we didn’t get pictures. Let's see... in the middle of me screaming and Joe hollering.. stop.. poise.. picture… done..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Boston Blog

I added a separate Blog to document my quest for trying to qualify for Boston, I didn't want to "clutter" up our beautiful blog with training specs... and some of you have asked for just training specs.. so here you go:

So anyhow I will log all my training and how I feel right up until I qualify... and I WILL qualify (eventually!!) And then I will log up to the actual BOSTON race day.


Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...