Organized and efficient.... two great tools for moving....on Friday, Joe reserved a moving truck and I had to pick it up..not a problem except it was rush hour.... and that I .....would be driving ....the big ole truck…..
GO… ok.. hello… GO!... I had to basically stand on on the gas to make it lurch forward….damn.. sorry bud.. but if I were you... tiny little car you... I'd move... H-E-L-L-O breaks….I am the shit... and should NOT.. NOT ..NOT... be behind big vehicles!!!
4 miles later... ..WHEW.. home.. done.. ok.. should I back up the driveway?.. giggle.. why not.. Sure… um.. jeez us… (Potty mouth)..um no that didn’t work…
Ok, WTF… this truck driving shit is HARD.... ugh I leave the truck in the cul-de-sac….I should have just waved to the neighbors...because I am sure they were watching from their windows with mouths open..... HAVOC..... that girl is just H-A-V-O-C....
Oh and how precious.... the license plate states Oklahoma.. yeah sweet….
Ok.. now to get my vehicle that I left at the rent a truck shop… yeah 4 miles away… Run gear on… Organized and efficient.
MOVING DAY.. Heather moving into her new apartment... I am not sure how to properly explain the packing and boxing technique she used... leave it at...that she is just like Joe.
I don’t think she removed much from her bins or drawers .. “Mom why bother, I am just going to put the stuff back in them.”…..
“Well Heather, I don’t know.. why do I make my bed every morning when I have to get back in it?”
So off they go (Joe and Heather) and the BIG OLE TRUCK... to meet the other movers and get her settled into her new apartment in Lancaster….very cool. …. I lucked out.. I conveniently had a sport massage appointment and would miss carrying the plethora of shit up three flights of steps.. sad.. sniff ...sniff..
Let’s see… I have some time before my appointment what projects to get into… hmmm.. wash the garage doors, wash my bike, cut down some branches off the tree hanging in the driveway…. SIMPLE...
* Except the fact I was using BLEACH on the garage door… don’t worry no damage…well the freaking power washer is broke what the F- was I suppose to do!..So off to the sports massage… YES SIR!. (yes of course I washed the sap off my legs but hadn't time to remove it from my hair, I did warn my sports guy, sorry... dude least I washed it off the legs)
* That I actually climbed the tree with a 4 foot saw…sap stuck to my hair... wedged in tree..fairly high up... sawing......um .....perhaps this was not the wisest choice of projects.. sigh...SIGH.... yeah the girl is H-A-V-O-C....
... I have NEW LEGS... sports massage went wonderfully... on the way home I make a few LITTLE pit stops to pick up some “stuff” to fill Heather’s empty bedroom...... $$$ later I have a truck full of crap.. whistling, I drove back home..... Not even 3 hours after Heather had moved out .. I had her old bedroom refurbished.. nice.. organized and efficient!
SO OH no.. Saturday is not yet over… I am on nanny duty for my nephews….
The night went well, they really were great.. no major drama.. only a couple snafoos... the middle child flipped backwards and over the chair .. nailing the brick fireplace..
....YEAH.. talk about a show stopper… S-H-I-T!!…thankfully their mother had put rubber bumpers all over the sides of the bricks… VERY COOL MOM! ......Then the same child nailed HIMSELF in the back of his own head with his light saber… it was plastic and no blood… and to think it was the littlest one, the four year, the one that can start vehicles and call his father in a nano second that I was originally worried about.
I woke up feeling not too rested… watching kids was hard… A week until Marathon…
Inhaled evil spores during run today… allergy attack… yeah sure hope this shit don’t happen during the marathon… fun.. fun.. (click here for more training info Boston Baby)
PS:Sure do miss heather…. sniff sniff... . miss you honey... Attached are pics of Wendy's new sports room, art room (AKA Heather's old bedroom)...
PSS: More Pics from Wendy's new room, art table.. Heather miss you honey!
PSS: Don’t worry honey, I moved all your trophies and pictures, boxed them up real nice, they are in the attic.. love ya