Perhaps it's not loss of blood that is exhausting me.. perhaps it’s just ALL THE FREAKING DRAMA!!!!
I had a doctors appointment yesterday in the am.. I needed to get checked out after the marathon fiasco. I was hoping it would be real quick.. he would just prick my finger tell me I needed Iron, give me a RX for some supplements and be done with it.. but alas no..
I am in the waiting room for over 30minutes listening to some man who I swear was one foot in the grave..he came into the waiting room wheeling behind him some sort of contraption… God …I am so lucky to be “healthy” ..
As we are waiting.. he starts to gag, I politely ignore… as not to embarrass him… but I do kinda keep an eye on him… although the nurses are like six feet from us… then he starts to make sounds as though he was birthing a giant phlegm ball..the most vile sounds came out of this man.. and I looked at him with great concern.. and he SWITCHED on his machine… which by the way sounded like a high pitched fighter jet… and it made a SWOOOSHING SOUND.. and he retched and spit into the machine… aweful.. just aweful.. I am not evil.. really I am not… BUT he made ME want to retch and I had to get out of there... !!..thank God they called my name…..
So Dr and I talk.. he checks me out.. blood pressure good.. weight.. VERY GOOD>… nice.. he orders some blood tests, testing for anemia, thyroid, vitamin deficiency, the works… said I also need to follow up with the “OTHER” doctor.. (aka: woman’s doctor) too… we shake hands and his last parting words were… we will see what results come back as ..worse case we would have to do a blood transfusion and or C&D.. UM.. yeah ok… NOT….
I think I managed well.. a full days work, the day after a marathon and being slightly ill and all…
So after work.. as I was walking to the truck….texting Joe something about our marathon in November… I looked up.. spotted my truck.. and continued onward… walking and texting… as I got closer to my truck I look up… click it open and get in… I put my purse and lunch pail on the passenger seat and finish my text to Joe… I notice my truck smells great… that air fresher that Heather bought me really works well… I have to remember to thank her… I send my text… I close the door and take my keys to start the engine.. huh? …I look over… what the F- is that????… I look around… takes a minute.. JEEZ US! This is NOT MY TRUCK!!
Like the vehicle is on fire …I jump out… grabbing my purse and lunch pail… and I look again at it… how in the hell… ???.... same exact truck .. same EXACT COLOR and everything… honest mistake.. but how the hell did I open it? (yikes maybe it was never locked??)… I am completely mortified.. I scurry over to where my truck is… looking around to make sure no one saw me… I get in the CORRECT vehicle and kinda slinked down like so no one could see me?? I mean really… ugh.. I got the heck out of there!
Blood Work
hi..went to get my blood work done this am to test for anemia and such… would you believe the M-Fers took 6 vials of blood from me.!!!!. what part of patient has possible blood loss / anemia did they miss.. ???!! Three large vials and three medium… WHAT overkill… !
If that didn’t exhaust me the ride there most certainly did… … I was stuck in traffic getting to the Paoli Quest lab… took me almost an hour to get there… which should have been maybe a 30 minute at most trip… thankfully I was only a few minutes late when I got to the office… so I rush out of the truck and go to open door to lab and it’s stuck.. like huh? Then I notice there is a sign on the door.. sorry.. closed… go to #15 building next to hospital.. UGH!!!! Already weak and now you are making me play fetch.. !!
So back in car.. back in traffic, try and find building next to hospital… get there.. OK NOW I AM LATE… I rush in… I sign in… um.. where’s my paper work.. UGH!!!! Left it in the truck!… I RUN to my truck to get it… sure I am still sore from the marathon but I don’t want them to call my name and me not be there.. I get the papers.. run back into office.. I am out of breath…I stagger back in office holding door.. slightly lightheaded and I sit down.. whew… I look up and everyone is looking at me… !....I am sorry.. WHAT THE F- you LOOKING AT! Whatever… I pick up a magazine and read..
They call my name.. she looks at clock (I guess noticing that I am LATE.. no really!).. I go in.. they take my blood and sent me on my way… if I wasn’t dizzy before I sure as hell am going to be dizzy now… I jump in car and head to work… I figure I probably have about what 10 minutes before the body notices it’s down a few vials of blood and I make it to the store to get some orange juice, coffee, and a bear claw… and then I sit for a second in my truck to make sure everything is ok..
So in a few days I will find out if anything is a miss.. not that I think I am anemic.. but something definitely is a bit off.. I think it was just a bad period time and I shouldn’t have run… and will know better next time it happens.. but like a good girl at least I am making sure nothing is wrong..
Either case I am excited… I figured I will be making all fresh blood NOW and be able to KICK all kinds of runners butts!! Right!??
I know I don’t cause all this drama myself.. right?
I had a doctors appointment yesterday in the am.. I needed to get checked out after the marathon fiasco. I was hoping it would be real quick.. he would just prick my finger tell me I needed Iron, give me a RX for some supplements and be done with it.. but alas no..
I am in the waiting room for over 30minutes listening to some man who I swear was one foot in the grave..he came into the waiting room wheeling behind him some sort of contraption… God …I am so lucky to be “healthy” ..
As we are waiting.. he starts to gag, I politely ignore… as not to embarrass him… but I do kinda keep an eye on him… although the nurses are like six feet from us… then he starts to make sounds as though he was birthing a giant phlegm ball..the most vile sounds came out of this man.. and I looked at him with great concern.. and he SWITCHED on his machine… which by the way sounded like a high pitched fighter jet… and it made a SWOOOSHING SOUND.. and he retched and spit into the machine… aweful.. just aweful.. I am not evil.. really I am not… BUT he made ME want to retch and I had to get out of there... !!..thank God they called my name…..
So Dr and I talk.. he checks me out.. blood pressure good.. weight.. VERY GOOD>… nice.. he orders some blood tests, testing for anemia, thyroid, vitamin deficiency, the works… said I also need to follow up with the “OTHER” doctor.. (aka: woman’s doctor) too… we shake hands and his last parting words were… we will see what results come back as ..worse case we would have to do a blood transfusion and or C&D.. UM.. yeah ok… NOT….
I think I managed well.. a full days work, the day after a marathon and being slightly ill and all…
So after work.. as I was walking to the truck….texting Joe something about our marathon in November… I looked up.. spotted my truck.. and continued onward… walking and texting… as I got closer to my truck I look up… click it open and get in… I put my purse and lunch pail on the passenger seat and finish my text to Joe… I notice my truck smells great… that air fresher that Heather bought me really works well… I have to remember to thank her… I send my text… I close the door and take my keys to start the engine.. huh? …I look over… what the F- is that????… I look around… takes a minute.. JEEZ US! This is NOT MY TRUCK!!
Like the vehicle is on fire …I jump out… grabbing my purse and lunch pail… and I look again at it… how in the hell… ???.... same exact truck .. same EXACT COLOR and everything… honest mistake.. but how the hell did I open it? (yikes maybe it was never locked??)… I am completely mortified.. I scurry over to where my truck is… looking around to make sure no one saw me… I get in the CORRECT vehicle and kinda slinked down like so no one could see me?? I mean really… ugh.. I got the heck out of there!
Blood Work
hi..went to get my blood work done this am to test for anemia and such… would you believe the M-Fers took 6 vials of blood from me.!!!!. what part of patient has possible blood loss / anemia did they miss.. ???!! Three large vials and three medium… WHAT overkill… !
If that didn’t exhaust me the ride there most certainly did… … I was stuck in traffic getting to the Paoli Quest lab… took me almost an hour to get there… which should have been maybe a 30 minute at most trip… thankfully I was only a few minutes late when I got to the office… so I rush out of the truck and go to open door to lab and it’s stuck.. like huh? Then I notice there is a sign on the door.. sorry.. closed… go to #15 building next to hospital.. UGH!!!! Already weak and now you are making me play fetch.. !!
So back in car.. back in traffic, try and find building next to hospital… get there.. OK NOW I AM LATE… I rush in… I sign in… um.. where’s my paper work.. UGH!!!! Left it in the truck!… I RUN to my truck to get it… sure I am still sore from the marathon but I don’t want them to call my name and me not be there.. I get the papers.. run back into office.. I am out of breath…I stagger back in office holding door.. slightly lightheaded and I sit down.. whew… I look up and everyone is looking at me… !....I am sorry.. WHAT THE F- you LOOKING AT! Whatever… I pick up a magazine and read..
They call my name.. she looks at clock (I guess noticing that I am LATE.. no really!).. I go in.. they take my blood and sent me on my way… if I wasn’t dizzy before I sure as hell am going to be dizzy now… I jump in car and head to work… I figure I probably have about what 10 minutes before the body notices it’s down a few vials of blood and I make it to the store to get some orange juice, coffee, and a bear claw… and then I sit for a second in my truck to make sure everything is ok..
So in a few days I will find out if anything is a miss.. not that I think I am anemic.. but something definitely is a bit off.. I think it was just a bad period time and I shouldn’t have run… and will know better next time it happens.. but like a good girl at least I am making sure nothing is wrong..
Either case I am excited… I figured I will be making all fresh blood NOW and be able to KICK all kinds of runners butts!! Right!??
I know I don’t cause all this drama myself.. right?