So here is the mice and snakecapades story:
What a fiasco..I said to Joe I thought I smelled something musty in basement.. he said he didn’t know.. so I investigate. In the heater room a couple of the sticky bug traps were sprung and it looked like something went to war with them, all sorts of stuff stuck; hair, mice poo, large green tape, you name it was stuck there...
I look over to the french drain and see another trap stuck in the drain…. so stuck between the wall and floor… hmm....I go back upstairs to tell Joe of my findings… I think... perhaps... there may be a mouse in the french drain stuck to the paper bug trap.... thinking he would RUSH right down there and expunge it from our house… WRONG… he said he was not dealing with this before dinner.. ok whatever….
So after dinner he makes NO move to go downstairs to check out the situation… sigh.. so I slep down there and look at situation…. figuring I will just pull the trap out of the drain and see.. I blink… I blink again… what the heck?!… orange and black coils.. I sprint back upstairs.. "Joe…." (ignoring me).. "JOE… I think there is a snake downstairs!!" ... He mumbled something and followed me...
"See".. (as I am pointing to the orange and black thing stuck near the trap and wall)... he peered over and cursed... IT’S A SNAKE..
Now I am kinda pissed.. he makes no movement to rid the vile creature from our house... so I go get the barbecue tongs... PULL.. PULL...PULL... jeez us he is hard… and then the Mother F-er moves!!! ... JEEZ US... he is A-L-I-V-E!!!
So now I am screaming....Joe is hollering… I am PULLING... and screaming.. and Joe is HOLLERING... and we get him in a bucket. Then I feel bad..
Poor snake's head stuck to sticky stuff on trap.. so I am outside trying to pry it's head off the stuff and he is hissing and spitting and his tail is whipping around in circles... yo bud.. you need to step

I did the best I could to unstick him before I threw him back in the woods… And so the real question is... we have a cat... and the purpose of our cat is to what??
PS: picture too funny or what? (this is a cobra not the snake in our house but mines of well been)
PSS: My cousin asked why we didn’t get pictures. Let's see... in the middle of me screaming and Joe hollering.. stop.. poise.. picture… done..