It’s not necessarily the distance that’s hard, I mean that's hard in itself.. 100 miles on a bike in 6-7 hours...yeah your hinny will hurt.. but it’s MORE so because of the elevation changes, and the couple of STRAIGHT UP hills… that make me want to cry.. as I PUSH (walk) my bike up them... yeah.. Joe has NEVER had to walk his bike up.. but I can honestly say... I have, on two of the hills... had to... if I didn't.. I would have fallen flat over and just laid in the street to die...
OH YEAH and the fact that this particular bike ride is usually in mid July and i
This will be the third time that Joe and I will do this Bike Century (100 miler) and the second time that Denise has… and Jim being the newbie… well hopefully he can put up with us for 7 hours! I wonder if I should wear the camera sunglasses... this may make for some great video play backs..