I am ....... A SMART GAL....and can easily understand simple technology.. UM.....W-R-O-N-G....because me and the Droid X have been at WAR...
See my beloved Blackberry had done it's time and I thought how cool...I'll upgraded ...to the new Droid X.. looks like a gem...
Of course it was my mistake to change phones the night before my mother had to go in for a major radiation procedure not thinking that OMG I may not know how to use the phone...
Like I said I’M a SMART GAL. ... not only did it take me 15 minutes to figure out how to turn it on.. I am still trying to figure out how to actually answer the blasted thing!...
Tears... and more tears... not only did I somehow mistakenly turn on the Querky key board(or whatever the heck that is) ..and every time I type..jibberish..and pinging...and STOP SAYING..D-R-O-I-D!!!...
SHUT UP.......STOP With THE .......I couldn’t use the phone to tell Joe I couldn’t type.... and I couldn’t type to let him know I couldn’t type..and I was staying at the parent’s house so I could drive them into philly in the am...AND OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The morning came fast.. wake by 4 am....through puffy eyes off we go to Philly... we all held our breath a bit..wondering what the day would bring.. Would the MRI show new stuff in the brain?.. If so...how would that impact mom.?... How long would the procedure actually take?...would she remember my name!??....... so many unknowns... and so much thinking....AND.. what is that smell???
We are cruising down Route 76 at 5am in the morning and I smell peppermint... sniff sniff... I look at mom......MOM, what's you doing?
Mom says, “I’m sucking on a chicklet”...
“MOM.. you are not suppose to have anything to eat or drink!”
Dad pipes in, “SUZIE so help me god if they don’t allow you to have that procedure today because you are sucking on a chicklet.......”
Mom, “ I’ll do what I d-mn well please”
....so not going to say not one more word.......
WE made it to Philly and checked in .. now to wait.....wait for the word on what mom’s newest brain MRI would show... the wait.. is sooo utterly .. horrific... and then the nurse came...
The MRI showed no new lesions, and they would just do a clean up around removed tumor and then recovery and she can go home. I realized I was holding my breath because now I could breathe....and thank you GOD for this....
The nurse brought us to mom so we could visit briefly with her before the procedure..when we walked in the room, she had this metal cage screwed into her freaking skull.. jeez us...!!!
She looked like Darth Vader (when he removed his helmet)... GOD BLESS MOM!!!!.... so dad is like ...get her picture so she can see it... and I tell him I can’t figure out how to use the phone...let alone take a picture..
So as mom is laying there with the helmet thing on her head... dad and I are fumbling around with the phone.. .try this... no that doesn't work.. try this... ugh.. I can't get it.... mom is watching us... and finally says, “GEE...THANKS guys for coming”..
OH sorry mommy.. kiss kiss... now smile..CLICK....... (NOTE: this is NOT a picture of mom....)
SO I swear I will never post her pic ... and I swear there is something really mentally wrong with our family.....
Now both our phones are dead... and we didn’t bring the chargers... and.....UGH...!!!
BUT THE BEST THING OF ALL IS.....Moms procedure went really well, and with her eternal great spirit... we got her home and out of philly before rush hour...
Hate the Droid by the way............