Thursday, July 22, 2010


So I'm gearing up for a couple of interesting days..

Friday, July 23rd
I will be taking mom and dad into Philly so Mom can get her radiation treatment. The procedure is called the Gamma Knife.

Which is a highly advanced machine that delivers a powerful
dose of radiation to a precise target in the brain. Patients experience little or no discomfort during the procedure, usually go home the same day, and are generally able to resume normal activities almost immediately.

This treatment is suppose to eradicate any left over lung cancer cells in the brain. We have to be there by 6AM… which of course means leaving for Philly tomorrow by 4:30AM ….and then mom having to stick her head in a machine and get zapped for a few hours... .MOM, YOU ARE MY HERO!!

Saturday, July 24th
Is the DreamRide 100 Miler Bike Century.. it's now suppose to be 99 degrees.. YES I think that's just really really WRONG... I mean with the heat index.. what's that? 115? ..Did I say I was interested in doing the Furnace 666? ..

Meeting Jim and Denise in Lancaster around 6AM... which means leaving the house at 4:30AM... and UGH.. WTF!... BTW.. how much water CAN you haul... ? Perhaps I should get a camel...I figure we will be cooked by noon and anything we post.. well just be kind to us...

Sunday, July 25th
Camper leaves at 9AM… so that means all the clothes, gear, bikes, kayaks, and CAT.. has to be packed and in the truck by 9AM….Dad and Mom will be ready to leave at same time… um slight problem ... I signed up to compete in the Keystone Games in York, PA…a couple hours away... just doing a couple events… like the 3000m, 1500m, 400M, 200M, and the Javelin throw.. so Joe can handle the camper himself.. right... ???....UM yeah.. UM YEAH…!!!... I'll let you know THAT day if Joe just binds me up and throws me in the truck.

.. who likes reality...?

The Duffy Mastripolito Camping at the beach excursion starts in 3 days..................

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...