Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ocala Marathon

WE DID IT.. Ocala Marathon.. DONE...(our third marathon in three months).

It was about 32 degrees at the start ... 60 degrees at end... but honestly 32 degrees down here in Florida is SOO different than 32 degrees at home... it just FEELS different.. just not as cold.. however we still had on gloves, hat, and our "throw" away sweatshirts... AND NO I DID NOT end up tossing my sweatshirt... (1) I just couldnt and (2) it was still "cool enough" that I was ok with it on...

I do stand corrected.. Ocala does have horse farms, countryside and flowers..what a great course.. very pretty and peaceful.. can't believe they found that beauty out of the "city"... the course was rolling hills..but being from PA.. it really wasn't a problem ...until about mile 19 when the leggies were DOG TIRED... but I ran a nice, clean run... no PR for me but Joe PR'd and did great.. beat me AGAIN...

Took some more notes on three hour plus drive to Estero, Florida (our final destination).. other than another 45 minute lunch stop... and Joe trying to race a Ferrari in our Ford Exployer..... nothing else interesting... just ready for some R&R (Rest and Relaxation!)

PS: I won first in my age group (but if I am not mistaken there were only a couple gals in the women 40-44 age group)... so I beat at least one other gal! HA!

Click Here: Ocala Marathon Results

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...