My cousin seems to think we will have the longest living animals in PA… our two cats.. are both 19 years old this year… and our dog is 17….. and they all seem to be happy and in relatively good health.. although they are getting blind, deaf, and dumb…
Our dog is a Lhasa Apso… and in talking with someone regarding how old she was… they stated that their Lhasa lived to be 20 years old and would have lived longer had not his wife accidentally ran it over with her car.. and how freaking sad!!! (but was that really an accident???)
See for the last 5 years Joe and I have been rotating duties in taking care of our animals.. .. Isabella our dog.. somehow does not wish to sleep a full night… even though we have tried everything to get her to sleep.. she just wont.. and if you ignore her she will bark ALL NIGHT.. so Joe and I get up at sometimes 1:30am, 4am, 5:15am.. and so on… it's like having a CONSTANT new born.. we didn’t realize how much the lack of good quality sleep was getting to us.. until we went on vacation and realized.. how good it felt to sleep for 7-8 hours straight!!!
Well, not wishing ill will on my old babies.. I research how long they could possibly live.. I know sounds kinda sick but I just wanted to know how LONG this may go on.. and well the guy I was talking to was right.. Lhasa’s could live 20+ years and our cats could live way past 20 years...
The Guinness Book of World Records confirmed that GRANPA was the world's longest-living cat and the Guinness award "worlds oldest cat" was given to GRANPA, in 1998. GRANPA lived to be 34 years, 2 months and 4 hours, and died on April 01, 1998. The previous record was 34 years and 1 day and had been set in1957 by Ma from England.
ARE you freaking kidding me..!!!... a cat could live to 34 years!!!!!.. OMG!!! I can't even imagine what our cats would look like at that age… So then I research about my dog.. and this is what I found:
The Lhasa Apso is one of the longest-lived breeds, sometimes living up to 20 years. It also tends to have an unusually sonorous bark (this helped make it a great watchdog), and it was their barks that lead to its native Tibetan name: "Abso Seng Kye" which translates to "Bark Lion Sentinel Dog."