Sunday, May 31, 2009

A little tired

Could be the 3:15am wake up or the REALLY...long run this am... but I am seriously contemplating going to bed NOW.. what time is?.... 4:30ish... ok.. fine bed at 6pm.

The weekend was incredible... Friday was Pizza night and Saturday am we took our butts to Wilson Park in Chesterbrook for some laps around the park in the sun... and back home for mowing (Joe), wash (Wendy), a bit of javelin practice (Wendy) and a second Run (Joe)... so then Sunday brings about our long runs.. Joe (14miles).. Wendy (16miles).

Because I am the SMART ONE... I scheduled my long run on Sunday during a race.. thus I would have support... and be able to get fresh water every couple miles... Joe said he had NO interest in doing that and would rather do his long run at home....SO BACK to why I was up at 3:15am..

I had to leave the house at 4am in order to drive the hour and a half to York, PA... and pick up my race packet, and actually find the start of the race... race was to start at 6:30AM...OH yeah and the race was a Marathon.. the Bob Potts Heritage (memorial) Rail Trail Marathon to be exact...

Now before you all get hysterical on why I was doing a marathon.. I was technically “not” doing the marathon.. I was running 16 miles and then I would walk/jog in the last 10.. thus get my long run in. See SMART! here is the race report... and I have to be honest... sometimes my logic scares the b-jeezes out of me ..

Sunday, May 31st
3:15am up..first thought upon the alarm sounding was.. WTF was I thinking...

4:00am headed off into the darkness for my hour and a half trek to York to run...

5:45 am arrived a little later than expected due to a couple mis-turns.. yeah I know I have a Garmin but honest to G-d I didn’t understand when she said take ramp right.. what right ramp (there were two) she was talking about... after the fifth time of making a giant circle... and re-putting in the coordinates.. I realized it was the 2nd ramp,... SOUTH ... the big ole S-O-U-T-H on the screen should have been an indication... yikes ....but alas made it with 45 minutes to spare..

6:00 am waited a bit at the port-o-pots.. not that the line was long mind you but it appears the person ahead of me was taking residence in there.. GRRR...

I debated on what fuel to bring with me during run.. I thought perhaps Perpetium.. it's what I use for the tris and since I should practice with it prior to Eagleman I picked that... although when I mixed it.. it just didn’t look right.. like wtf did I bring.... kool-aid?.... I also opted to bring along a few gels..some shot blocks (gel things) and a gummy snake to eat..

6:30 am it was a cool morning .. damn near perfect running weather... 55 degrees with low humidity... and NO RAIN! The course was an out an back utilizing the rail trail... first mile would be on road then down rail trail and back... mainly flattish with a hill coming in at end towards track.. then half lap on track.

I had my schedule.. I was to take 8 miles of the 16 and run them at marathon pace.. so warm up a couple miles.. marathon pace for 8.. then warm down... great plan.. it's what the scheduled called for..

I lined up with the 400 other marathoners... foolishly I lined up in back and lost about a minute or so getting to start.. although dropping my sunglasses and having to back track and retrieve them while hordes of people were running TOWARDS me didn’t help either...

The first few miles were basically uneventful except the rooster...and the really cool dark tunnel we had to go through...

By mile 6 I was keeping up a fairly good pace.. running with a gal about my age...she reminded me a lot of the cupcake (Aka my running buddy).. how she could actually duck into a port-a-pot around mile 10 and still caught back up to me.. yeah a lot like the cupcake... but then I noticed that we were pushing the pace a bit more than I wanted.. and before I knew it I had cleared 16 miles at a 8.45 average pace...2 hours and 20 minutes...

8:50am I knew I had to stop and walk after 16.. I could NOT derail my training trying to hot dog it... and so I told the girl I was running with good luck.. I was done at 16.. told her I would look her up at end to see how she did.. and I stopped and walked... I walked about a quarter mile and was bored..

Ok.. so if I walk the remaining 10.. I will get back by lunch time.. EWE.. no.. I decided I would jog a bit.. and next thing I know I am jogging a bit faster.. UGH... so in order to MAKE myself walk.. I said to myself... fine you want to jog or whatever.. you can only until the mile marker then we walk a bit... OK.. ?

The last thing I wanted to do was fatigue myself doing a full marathon right before Eagleman which is two weeks away or get injured when my longest training run in the last 3 months had been 13 miles.. although I have been putting in some great 35 mile weeks.. and cross training and such.. sigh I don’t know..

I became one of those people.. the people I hate.. those that walk and then you pass then and then they come sprinting past you and then they start walking again.. UGH..

When I was taking my walking breaks I would bite a piece of my gummy snake...... and realized that the extra sugar does wonders for me... by the time I hit mile 20 ... I felt great.. like man only 6.2 to go... BUT Wendy you must still take walk breaks.. grrrr...

It started to get a bit toasty now.. sun was out full blast and it was heating up... thankfully most of the rail trail was shaded... VERY NICE... the last mile I just couldn’t walk, time to just get done... and so I just motored.. then came the hill.. nice all that hill workouts did good .. although I did have to grit my teeth as that is JUST MEAN to put a hill in at end of a marathon.. and up I went.. to my delight I passed a woman..... and got on track and just brought it in...

.......SWEET 4.08.55 ..that is 4 hours 8 minutes and like 55 seconds... on the clock .... FREAKING NO WAY.. just ran my best marathon time ever.. taking walking breaks! WTF!! Checked Garmin, yep correct distance.. wow..

They gave us a nice finisher medal and then PIZZA and smiley face cookies.. I was in heaven.. truly...heaven....

Although the mixture of nutrition and fuel caused me to race to the port-a-pot and yes take residence there for a bit.. I was pleased and happy that I got my long run in, got a finisher medal.. and FOOD... poor Joe.. he had to run at home and missed all the excitement.. now to figure out how to drive home...

Friday, May 29, 2009


Friday Night:
So I am sitting here looking at the newspaper.. the weekender to be exact… to see what special events are happing in the area… its been said before that I can find just about anything…

I think I have......

Whack & Roll Croquet Tournament

SO very interested in what this is all about.. I click on the link ...

The WHACK & ROLL Tournament is a tournament professionally managed by Croquet Your Way, LLC and sanctioned by the United States Croquet Association (USCA).

Salad buffet lunch included for each player. Friday night Reception on the Lawn also included for All-Comer teams.

HMM… there is a United States Croquet Association? .. so I research further..

Dress Code
Croquet players customarily wear all white apparel on court. In all USCA titled events, such apparel is expected. The tournament director must approve any exceptions

How Play is Made
Play is made by striking a ball with a mallet. The player so playing is called the striker, and the ball that is struck, the striker ball. The striker may never hit an adversary ball with the mallet. By striking the striker ball, the striker may cause it, or any other ball it hits to move and/or to score a point.

The Turn
The players play each turn in the order of blue, red, black, and yellow. A player is initially entitled to one shot in a turn, after which the turn ends unless the striker ball has scored a wicket point or hit another ball. When a wicket is scored, the striker is entitled to play one additional or continuation shot. When another ball (whether opponent’s or partner’s) is hit by the striker ball, the striker is said to have made a “roquet” on that ball and the striker ball is entitled to two extra shots and becomes “dead” on that ball.
(UM...K………… )

Detrimental Behavior
Courtesy and good sportsmanship are expected of all players and officials at all times. Players are under an obligation to avoid acts that may be considered detrimental to the game of croquet. For example, players should not:
 swear at a player, official or spectator,
 use obscene, abusive or insulting language or gestures, or
 throw a mallet or hit a ball in protest or anger.

Any spectator or player who abuses an official or player, or interferes with the game will be warned and directed by the Tournament Director to desist. If the abuse or interference continues, the person may be directed to leave the tournament area. In a case of flagrant abuse, the directive to leave may be given without a warning. Any such instance should be reported to the USCA Grievance Committee.

(UM... K.... I suppose I should keep my POTTY MOUTH outta there??)


Marathon Training
Well we are two weeks into our “advanced” Marathon training …and already Joe is giving me lip… I had made mention that he had to run 5 miles last night... and when he questioned why..... since he did 5 miles the day before… I informed him that is what is ON THE SCHEDULE.. and it’s only 5.. jeez...

He of course had to send this nice little text later in the day, “I will be running (another) 5 tonight at Valley Forge with Mike, because some WITCH is making me run on 1-1/2 legs…"
(..oh and the leg comment was because he said his little leggy ached a bit…)

SIGH.. I think it's going to be a L-O-N-G.... 17 weeks until the marathon.

OK.. fine.. so mid week I am out on a run.. wearing my normal florescent shirt and running towards the flow of traffic in order to make sure no person with less than optimal intelligence runs me over… and the run is going well.. when this D-CK FACE in a MERCEDES.... drifts off the road... heading right towards me..

uh oh……I frantically start waving my arms ...which with the fluorescent long sleeves he most certainly cant miss it.. IF HE WAS LOOKING!!!!!!... finally when D-CK FACE noticed..I am sure he said something similar to this - "Oh hello.... I am driving my Mercedes… I am wonderful... and look ....what is that person doing in my way...? ”

Within the last seconds of my life... determining if I should jump up on the hood of his car....he veers back onto the road.. passing me while typing on his blackberry…I could almost see what he was typing!!…

POTTY MOUTH.. I most certainly have a potty mouth…the curse words that came out would have shocked a sailor… how is it that people can be soo utterly UTTERLY STUPID!!!!?... Joe would have been a rich man…and hmm ....I wonder..

Javelin Practice

Because I am sure I would fall into a deep coma if I relaxed ... I was practicing throwing my javelin on Sunday…. everything went exceptionally well until two days later when my entire mid frame felt as though someone came up and TWISTED IT... THEN PULLED OUT PIECES... it hurt to laugh… and it took great amounts of effort to lift my arm…

WOW… outta shape… so I thought perhaps I would read up on some exercises that would help STRENGTH my obviously weak mid frame, shoulder and stuff…

AHA… I just read that axe chopping or sledge hammering is good practice for javelin preparation.. so I pose the question to Joe, “Can I chop up things this weekend?”

Axe Chop / Sledge Hammer
To simultaneously develop strength and flexibility in the shoulder girdle, pectoral and upper back musculature. Requirements: This exercise requires a sledgehammer or lumber axe, and a stable knee-height hitting surface such as a tractor tire, mound of dirt, or a large log.

Description: The athlete stands in front of a knee-height hitting surface. The axe / hammer is brought over the head and swung violently down on to the hitting surface. The key for this exercise is to let the weight of the axe or hammer pull the arms back so that a stretch is felt through the shoulders and upper back. This will initiate a stretch reflex contraction, while developing strength and flexibility for throwing.

Variations: This exercise can be performed with one hand or two.

Recommendations: Have the athlete initiate the movement with the whole body rather than just the arms; this will create a whip-like effect on the axe or hammer.

I am not sure why he has to be soo mean.. he wont let me have a chain saw... NOW HE WONT LET ME USE AN AXE!!!…. I don’t know how he expects me to get any better at anything!!! UGH!!!


Our long run is scheduled for Sunday.. will be our first in a while ….will let you know how that goes..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

To hose or not to hose?

Um.. so if you were following the story last week you would remember Joe cut the tip of his finger off.... fixing the washer machine..

....alas it was a small tip.. didnt need stitched and he did find it (the tip of his finger that is)... and he made a DAMN bloody mess everywhere.... but it's cleaned up now and on Saturday when I returned from my babysitting duties I asked him if it was ok to use the washer now.. he said yes.. I was delighted…

Of course the fact that he "forgot" to tell me he did NOT reattach the waste water hose.. and now a huge geyser of water is spewing out of the back of the washing machine... and my laundry room is now an indoor pool... and well I didn't think he knew SO MANY CURSE WORDS...fairly impressive I must say... and how many curse words can you say in 50 seconds?

Joe: Wendy did you not see that the hose was not attached!! ???

Wendy: Well... Joe no I didn’t ....(D-CKHEAD)

Joe: @@((*(*#(( @#*&(#^^^^#(((((!!!!! & and then some

Wendy: But you told me I could use the washing machine!! (WHAT AN A_HOLE)

Joe: BUT ... did you NOT see the hose was NOT attached????

(like you gonna tell me I have to check to see if there are tires on my car before I drive!??? WTF!!!!)

So…. beam ahead... an hour or so of mopping up and wet vacuuming... the entire Eastern seaboard…

Wendy: What am I suppose to do with the clothes that are in the washer half washed?

Joe: pull them out and hand wash them…


................because I was SPEECHLESS... and boy was he a BRAVE BRAVE MAN... to think of all the "utensils" I own... )

All-in-all things worked out.. the laundry room dried out… Joe reattached the hose.. and HE washed the load of clothes.. LIFE IS GOOD!

Chestertown 10 MIler Pics

Here are some pics from the Chestertown 10 Miler on Saturday.. it was 80 degrees with high humidity.. we both BONKED after 6 miles… the course is not shaded for a good portion of the race so once that sun starts beating on you, you feel like a cooked enchilada…

Here is Joe’s comments on the pictures:

These pictures don’t show nearly the level of “discomfort” I was in (although you can tell). Please note on the first pic who is finishing in front of who; I’d like to SLAP that smile right off her face.
To Joe's credit.. he TOLD me to go ahead.. I would NOT have done so without his blessing because when you run with someone you stay with them… but he told me to go head..what a sweetie!!!

… and then I heard this guy coming up trying to pass us… (In picture he is the guy right behind Joe and I)…..what an A-hole (not Joe) that guy was… coming up between us..trying to beat us in a sprint at end.. yeah like HELLO THERE HERO… boy you are tough man trying to sprint past two disabled people (after you saw us walking).. like yeah.. you scoring some big points there … BOZO.....did you want my #128 place?? ....NOT A CHANCE FAT ASS…

HE WAS NOT BEATING ME>. I may have been dead but no way no freaking A-HOLE beating me to finish… that jerk (not Joe to be clear) ALSO tried to pass me once we crossed the finish line and we were IN the finish shoot..!!!... UM.. Excuse me... I had to put out my arm to stop him.. that was after this pic was taken.. I thought I may have to put the beat down on him!!!!… can you imagine…?? wrestling with him over 128th position….

Joe really did a wonderful job in such conditions.. and he helped me to the finish... I would take him to battle with me any day!!!… he is (whether he believes it or not)… a strong willed WONDERFUL man! ......THANK YOU JOE… !

PS: I still don’t want to do Eagleman if its going to be AFRICA hot again… UM>> NO... but alas I am sure in two weeks I will be out there swimming with the jelly fish, biking with the eagles and “running” with the elephants…


Pics from the Delaware Marathon Relay...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sometimes …. life takes a life of it’s own..

Two weeks ago was a long week.... with my brother’s surgery and then dad recovering from his surgery... and the dog not doing well… and two weekends ago was a LONG WEEKEND... in the course of that weekend we continued to get ready for Heather’s graduation party, we mulched, weeded, mowed (both our yard and our parents yard), took the dog to the vet, went grocery shopping, did laundry, cleaned house, paid bills, ran a relay race, ran a mile race..... and then collapsed in a coma…

I am most certain ...contrary to many people’s beliefs we will NOT live to a ripe old age of 110....

Delaware Marathon Relay 7:10 AM
On Sunday 5/17..... Joe and I got up around 4:30am in order to leave at 5:15am to make it to the Delaware Marathon Relay… we were a part of QVC Relay Team 1.. The morning started off warm but in the course of the 5 hours we were there the rains moved in.... the temperature dropped... then the winds moved in.... Each one of our relay runners had a different climate to run in.. our first runner had the rain... our second runner had the residual effects of the rains and increased winds… our third runner..
MOI.. had to deal with the drop in temperature and had to put on a winter hat and arm bands (is it NOT SPRING??!)......

(will add the non illegal pic once we receive) .while our fourth runner.. JOE.. had to battle headwinds… Despite all the adverse conditions... we ended up winning our QVC Relay Division… VERY NICE!

So after waiting for the remaining teams to come in we trekked over to the parents to help them move air conditioners into their windows .....and what is dad doing..????

UM MOWING the lawn with just his one arm (the other is suppose to be in a sling from his surgery).. GRR.. stubborn... so we take the lawn mower away from him and proceed to mow their lawn..

An hour or so later... off to home.....the day does not really end there... as Joe falls into a two hour deep sleep...Wendy treks off to do the Millersville Mile.

Millersville Mile 6:30PM
Being the extra tired self that I was... I thought perhaps a big cup of java, a powerbar and a cheese stick would do the trick... did the trick alright... THANK G_D there was a potty there...

Millersville Mile is a blast.. it’s a great point to point mostly downhill mile.... LOVE the sensation of being DONE a race in less than 7 minutes... now that’s what I am talking about.. .no 24 min 5K’s or 4-1/2 hour marathons... 7 minutes or less... NICE!.....I clocked in a new PR of 6.45... very cool... coming in second age.. NOW the 1 hour and 15 min drive back home to find the bed and a wheelchair.. ha

I wish I could say this past week was quieter but alas it was not. My brother’s wife’s mother passed away, we had to cancel Heather’s graduation party, I had to take off a few days to take care of my nephews (ages 4,6,8) and Joe cut the tip of his finger off.. oh and yeah we started our marathon training this week... I most certainly could write a book on just this week but I will be as brief as possible..

Tuesday 5/19: Found out that my sister-in-law (Brother’s wife) had to go up to above Scranton to tend to her ailing mother and thus the nephews (4, 6, 8) were the sole responsibility of my poor incapacitated brother who as noted before is unable to do anything but lay in bed, and keep his foot up due to surgery on his ankle.. so knowing I had some vacation time to take and the boss being out of the office I took off the rest of the week to help out with the kids... GOD HELP ME....

We had to end up cancelling Heather’s graduation party due to the family issues.. So after work on Tuesday I rushed home, ran my scheduled 8 miles (you know for the marathon training)... contacted people about the cancelled party.. packed an overnight bag and headed to my brothers for a half week long babysitting extravaganza... sleeping on the coach was rough...

Wednesday 5/20: Mom and dad came over to help during the day after I got the kids off to school... My brother had asked that I drive him to be with his wife who was currently above Scranton at her parents house.. her mother had just passed away.. lets see.... 2-1/2 hours each way.. sure Chuck.... not a problem but I have to be back by 6pm for a trail race.

I told my brother I needed to get some clean clothes and get my bike work out in so leaving the youngest to the attention of mom and dad.. while Chuck packed his stuff I headed home, biked on indoor trainer for an hour, packed an overnight bag and returned to pick up the brother.

Chuck had to sit in back seat with leg extended so I was officially the chauffeur...kinda felt odd yelling to him over the seat... as he turned green with car sickness... turnpike driving is almost as fun as putting pins in your eyes.... by the time we got to our destination ... I was hungry, sore and anxious about making it back in time for the race..and yeah the brother was a bit green... so I wished him well... jumped back in truck.. thankfully I packed a snack... and drove home..... Total drive time was over 5 hours...

I was starting to wonder how truck drivers do it ... I mean your legs just LOCKS on the pedal and the blood drains right out... I made it home by 5:35.. just in time to clean up doggy doo doo in the kitchen.. and hey look at that.. she shit right in Joe’s sneaker... imagine that...

By the time I got back out the door and on my way to race it was 6:15pm and I was frantic about missing the start... after all this... I DID NOT WANT TO MISS THE RACE!!! So with 20 minutes or so to spare... I arrived.

Hibernia 5K Trail Race 7PM
BUT cant even walk let alone run.. ...I can see it now... “look at the woman hunched over trying to run.. pity so young to be soo decrepit”.....AHH... I do a light warm up but don’t feel much better and then I look around.. shoot I forgot bug spray... so I ask my friend Tom for something to keep the ticks off me.. he is warming up with me and mentions that if he runs right beside me maybe the ticks will jump on him instead.. and so we chuckle about that.. and obviously he has no spray... and so we go to line up on the start..

I mumbled again that I wished I had bug spray.. as I swatted at a mosquito.. and Tom said. .. I have some... its like 4 minutes to start of race and I say to him.. you have bug spray.. ??.....did I not ask you this before about keeping ticks off me.. and you didn’t mention that you had anything... and he said oh YEAH I didn’t connect the two.. UGH..

So off to get spray on... I thought he may RIP the spray out of my hand when I soaked my entire 5’7” frame with it.. I think he made mention that I would repel anything at this point.

Perhaps it’s the competitiveness, or perhaps it’s because I was running on pure adrenalin from being in the car and building up a bit of “road rage”.. but I ran strong and hard... jumping logs, slogging through mud and bounding over boulders..... and came in first age.. I am soo sorry to the people I pushed on the one downhill and when leaping over the rock formation.. but I just CANT .....CANT wait for your slow MO-FOs to decide what the F- you want to do... Joe said running is not suppose to be a contact sport.. sorry

Me and this older dude.. I say older since he was a few years older than me... ran together the last mile.. I was hoping to get a huge lead coming out of the technical trail part because I knew I was weaker on the straight grass parts as I always use all my energy on the technical parts... so when I came upon this man.. we ran together.. and somehow we managed to push the pace... a lot.. until I realized that our 5K Trail Race.. was MUCH longer than 3.1 miles...

In speaking to the director after the race he said they had to make it a bit longer.. for whatever reason.. I am not sure...BUT COULD HAVE AT LEAST MENTIONED IT!! .... BLA... my garmin picked up 3.61 miles.. but it probably was more like 3.5.. as I know in the field it was easy to run longer or shorter depending on how you ran it..

BOY what a person will do for Pizza!... I got my pizza.. and then back to the babysitting duties. My mother joined me for the night in order to help out and I welcomed her being there.. three boys were hard to watch when you were not used to having three kids...

Thursday 5/21: Up and the start of a new day... today was field day for the kids.. so they were fairly stoked about it.. and in good moods... I was starting to get used to the daily duties of spraying the kids hair with water and combing it to get rid them of “bed head” and making sure the lunches were packed and homework done... so when the two older ones went off to school I left the younger one with mom and went to meet my daughter for a quick swim and lunch.

So I get this email from Joe and it’s a picture of his bandaged finger and him stating, “Found the leak (on the washer) now just have to find the piece of my finger I lost doing it”

....How the hell did he survive before me?..... Of course the whole fact that he didn’t pass out from seeing his own blood and end up passed out on the floor for Heather to find is truly amazing...

The kids were great.. considering the fact that this was the longest time that they have ever been away from their parents, they handled it quite well... Even evil Wendy who made the older one do homework got a “A” for her half cooked brownies... the middle child informed me that “they are the best brownies ever”.. AWE... little munchkins can do no wrong now.... (thankfully I didn’t wake up missing an eyebrow or crayoned...

Friday 5/22: I noticed that I get more sleep here watching the kids (at my brother’s house) then at home watching the dog.. WTF! Poor Joe... he said dog has been getting him up continuously at 4am... he said he tried to ignore her and she now started to bark....she was HUNGRY... !

Done.. last time got them dressed, lunches made, hair combed and off to school... and then to attend to my own home a bit and then pizza (second time this week).. it’s heaven...

Chestertown 10 Miler Race:
Saturday 5/23: up at 4:15am. On road by 5am... drive the 1 hour 50 minutes to Chestertown to take part in the Chestertown 10 Miler Road Race.... This will be my third year doing this particular race and Joe’s second....... each year the heat beats the hell out of me ....and each year I try to come up with a plan to defeat it...

The first year I picked this race to do as a long training run and so I elected that first year to try it out.. I was hooked.. not sure why.. it was 80 degrees at 8am in the morning that first year and I baked... but I came back last year and brought Joe.

Last year I did better than the year before but it was a slow death to finish as the heat once again kicked my ass. Joe had a phenomenal race and passed me for the first time ever.

This year... the heat KICKED both our asses... we did great until the 6 to 6-1/2 mile mark and then we.... up and blew up... I counted 25 woman who passed me from that point to the finish line.. I didn’t bother counting the men... and I actually came up on Joe at around mile 8... taking a walk break...

I was delighted to be able to stop and so we walked and ran together for the last two miles... Joe was beyond himself with anger on why he was walking and why his heart rate was soo high... we concluded it was that he had no chance to heat acclimate.. he had done all his training runs either in the cool of the evening or early morning.. he wasn’t used to running in 80 degree weather and high humidity and a good portion of the course is NOT shaded and in the open.

I told Joe that at one point I thought I heard my brain sizzle and wanted to up and throw myself on the side of the road so the ambulance could pick me up... I concluded NO WAY in hell I was doing Eagleman this year.. (Eagleman is that Half Ironman Triathlon that I did last year and it was hotter than Africa in the run.. cooking all of us)... and I am suppose to do in a couple weeks.... and I said no way.. UM NO.. going to put myself through that.. (besides my utter discontent with having to run any more races in the heat.. Joe said I would do Eagleman and I would like it!) BLA!

As we were nearing last mile of the race... we looked over and a damn man is pushing a stroller and he passes us... . Joe said later the fact that I was trying not to let HIM PASS was funny.... since it was like I was standing still and he was still a going.... stroller man did beat us.. as did the woman who ran in black tights.. like chicky... were you not F_cking HOT out there???!!!

So Joe and I came up towards the end and I said to him.. you cross finish first.. he said no... he wanted me to.. I said no you should.. he said no.. .. are you sure.. he said yes.. OK... so as we round the last corner I truck it in .. and finished.. done... Joe comes in seconds behind me.. Done.. lets go home.

On way home we stopped in Chesapeake City to have lunch.. and sit and watch the boats.. what a great LUNCH and quality time with my favorite guy...shame he still had this twisted angry face on... although I do believe by the time fatigue set in his face softened,..

So Fabio brings us our ice teas,... and the best crap cake sandwich ever.. yeah Fabio was our waiter’s name.. .. he was kinda cute..... interesting .. I never met a Fabio before... I wonder what makes a person name their kid Fabio?

OK... so its Saturday Evening now... and here I am... feet up.. typing away..ready to take on another week of Mastripolito Joe cuts the lawn.. I notice that I do have a slight sore throat.... I wonder if the little illness incubators gave me something.. hmmmm..

PS: and when the F- did SNAKES appear in the Chesapeake.. !!!!!I AM SOO NOT DOING EAGLEMAN now.. I aint swimming in that shit... no F- way! :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bro's Bionic Leg

Well the bro got his bionic ankle yesterday....

For those who didn’t have the pleasure of the story....this past weekend my brother… who just turned 40….broke his ankle playing Rugby….the fact that he probably should NOT be playing Rugby because of the many issues like having three young dependant children, a wife, being the bread winner, and that there is more mileage than dirt on his body... should all be VERY GOOD reasons WHY he should NOT be playing... but the bro is a hardhead... lets see:
Rugby is a fast-moving and high intensity team sport. As many as 1 in 4 rugby players will be injured during the season. On average each player performs 20-40 tackles per match. Almost 25% of neck injuries occur when there is a mismatch in experience between the two opposing front rows. Rugby injury rates are reported to be nearly three times higher than soccer and football.
My brother being the proud Irishman that he is... thought that perhaps it was a sprain and thus didn’t seek medical attention until the following evening after he had already utilized the foot to drive the 2 hours to Scranton and back and after his foot look like a cross between Dumbo and T-Rex's paw…. so my mom got the gift of having to drive his stubborn ass to the emergency room on Mother’s Day. Happy Mother's Day mom!.. tee hee..

If that is not funny.. that fact that he had to tell his wife that he broke his foot playing something she advised him not to.. kinda makes you snicker... and say, "Sucks to be you!".... he found out that not only did he break his ankle ... he dislocated it.. and now would have to be operated on in order to have it stabilized with a bolt, plate, pins, etc… whew...

So... we arrived at the hospital on Wednesday for his operation… as they were going over the paper work they asked him if he wanted any clergy here.. huh?? .... then they asked him if he had a living will… … UM ... (as the blood drained from his face)..everything is going to be A-O-K.... Diane and I told him they were routine questions..I gave him a bit of a pat on arm... (all the time thinking in the back of my head yeah sucks to be you... )
some of the paper work had his wrong birth year.. it had him 10 years older or was that 7 years older than he was…kinda funny in that he was already having issues with just turning 40.. and now according to the paper work he was like 50….. and then they didn’t have any employment info on his forms… even though he provided it.. so he was getting a BIT concerned that this was not a good sign.. Diane and I told him not to worry it.. these “things” happen (and in the back of my head I am thinking yeah... I WOULD BE SOO OUTTA HERE)

So it was time to wheel him to his room (as he would be staying over night)… Diane and I followed the medical staff ... when we arrived at the room.. there was no bed in it… hmm... so the medical staff went a looking up and down the hallway in search of a trapeze bed… Diane and I were doing our best to keep Chuck calm.. he had never had surgery before.. and never been in hospital for any type of operation… I even made the joke of … they will have no problem knowing what foot to operate on (with its big ole bandage on it)….. I mean it's NOT like they are going to operate on your arm or head…or anything!!!…… laugh laugh…

....doesn’t the nurse down the hall ask, pointing at Chuck.. "Is that the man for the back operation??".. Chuck's face was void of all color .. if he could of… he would have took off out the door in his wheelchair….priceless.

Alas they found a bed…and in the room we go.... amid a bunch of medical personnel and nurse Marta.. nurse Marta was the one who had hollered down the hall asking if Chuck was her back patient… she was a bit difficult to understand as she had a heavy accent…perhaps she was German?

"EEEEHelllo… mynama is marta.. I am to be ya nurse…" ..( Holy Hell I would be sooo outta here I am thinking) ...I just smiled at the brother... ... next comes in the blood guy.. he looked like he just stepped out of high school.. he took 5 vials of blood ..and left.. kinda a creepy like.. like in.. no talk.. suck out blood.. and leave... I am thinking .. maybe I could do that as a profession... no talkee to people just suck out their blood.
Chuck tells us later that they couldn’t use the blood he extracted because the vampire got bubbles in it.. so they had to take another 5 vials… hmmm.... next comes in a nurse resident.. and boy was he sharp… don't know if he knew a blasted thing but he SURE WAS PRETTY... his name was Jack… Diane and I liked Jack.. boy Jack is PREEEETTYYY.... Chuck who?

Anyhow.. off we go... Jack, Diane and I... to wheel the bro to the get his "new" ankle... boy... such a LONG wait ...for the operation and then for the recovery.... but he came out really well… I think the fact that he was in great shape helped tremendously…. and I hope he learns now to pick a sport with a better injury to not injury rate.. like running (lets not discuss face plants or trail running injuries)

I wish I could say the drama stopped there.. but alas it did not... when waiting for Chuck to be wheeled back to his room from recovery, Diane and I were waiting.. and waiting ..and then zip... um Diane I think that was Chuck that zipped by on a bed with two nurses.. . Diane actually had to run out into the hall and tell them that's our guy ....he goes here... so the two nurses, Chuck and his trapeze bed turn around and come back to the room..
.. where then nurse Marta happily.. boy she was a happy woman.. brought back the wall clock that she so kindly had added a new battery to since it didnt work.. and then she proceeded to drop it on the floor smashing it into pieces.. the thought crossed my mind of perhaps not allowing Marta back in his room... but Marta was a kindly lady... still couldnt understand a blasted thing she said... but she said it all with a smile...
Glad my brother made it out alive..

I tell you I walked out of the hospital 6 hours later feeling like someone just sucked every bit of life out of me… I can run marathons.. I can do ultras and ironmans.... but I cant handle one day in the hospital!!!...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Start of a New Week

Mother’s Day 10 Miler
Sunday, May 10th
What do you do when you have a limited amount of time to get everything done?..... You get creative of course!......yesterday was Mother’s Day… and we had to figure out how we were going to visit both mothers, drop off my nephew’s First Holy Communion Card (a week late), get our long run in, spend special mother/daughter time with my daughter before she went to work, fix the back brakes & rotors on Joe’s car, do the laundry, food shop, and get the 20 bags of mulch on the garden all done in one day… thankfully we already mowed our 10 foot high grass the previous day and thus could check that off the never ending list of chores to do on our days off......

....well this is when having an excessive compulsive planner at the house is a great help…. I drafted what I thought was a very reasonable way to get everything done… not counting on the fact that we may actually be too exhausted half way through the day to pull this off....but I do have to say… we hit all the goals… except actually putting more mulch on the gardens…

Day started like normal… waking at 4:30 am for the dog.. but getting the pleasure of going back to bed until 8am… yes… sleep in! ... then up and dressed.... heading to Joe’s parents’s house.. spend time with mom… back to our house to pick up Heather..change into running gear … head to brothers…drop off cards.....Joe and Wendy jump out of truck and run... Heather heads to the grandparents……

See….I had mapped out what I thought was a really great course taking us from my brother’s house to my parents… … thus Heather would just meet us at my parent’s in about an hour and a half or so… we would spend time with mom….. and heather… then back home… Joe could do his brakes and rotors… Wendy laundry… then grocery shop and VIOLA.. day over and done.. with the exception of the 20 bags of mulch we got everything in…

THE RUN......
Now back to the run… It’s a blessing or maybe a curse to be with me… I come up with the most unusual ideas… and sometimes.. just sometimes… I can actually get others to join me in the madness…

I carefully laid out a nice 10-12 mile route from my brother's house in Downingtown to my parents house in West Chester… utilizing almost all back roads… and a “few hills”…. The first part of the run was amazing… almost 3 miles of flattish, shaded, scenic roads.. then we hit Harmony Hill.. I was patting myself on the back for actually making in up the blasted hill still running... but I think I used one of my spare life's to do so... .

… By mile 5 …I was overheated, almost out of water... and the roads were still rolling.. WHY … WHY… WHY… can I not live at the beach.. thankfully... we came across a park around mile 6 and refilled our water bottles ... which was a blessing.. because we had misjudged how much water we would use due to the heat…. so once we refueled we were off again... legs started to tire earlier than expected.. most probably due to the increase in training the last couple of weeks… I got to the point where I felt if I ran just one more step.... I may just fall on my face....... and die…. quite dramatic I assure you.......

We opted to run along Route 322 for a bit….yes that was us.. for those who were saying, “Who the F- are the stupid-a-s people running along route 322 during the hottest point of the day?!”

At around mile 9… I knew I was slowing Joe down as I had to take a couple walk breaks and he had to keep circling back for me… but I was hot.. I don’t dispense heat well… I felt like someone was frying my innards… I told him to go ahead… I would be fine… just tell them I will be there… when I get there…

10 miles in an hour and 40 minutes… not to shabby for having dead legs and fried internal organs… I turned off my clock a mile early.. the total distance was over 11 miles but I didn’t want to do more than 10 miles… so being still a mile away from the parents.. I still had to run the last mile.. but didn’t want to do over 10 miles…. DON’T EVEN QUESTION the logic here….

Mom and Heather met me on the sidewalk across from the Goshen Shopping Center near their house... .. they were jumping up and down waving at me as I came up the sidewalk… somehow that little gesture although crazy.. made me smile… now we have confirmed insanity runs in the family.....crazy MO-FO’s… What a great way to spend Mother’s Day…!!

(PS: so after the day ends.. I am preparing to retire for the evening... and I get an email from my sister-in-law stating that mom had to take my brother to the appears he broke his ankle at Rugby.... HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY MOM… )


Heather’s Graduation
Saturday, May 2nd

What an incredible day… what more can we ask for… words could not really convey the day… I hope these pictures say it all (will post them tonight... problem with email at home)

…Heather graduated from Kutztown University…. Magna cum laude….Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education..

(PS: The day was not without event…. I smashed my toe on the floor radiator at Cracker Barrel wearing cute little sandals...there was a bit of silence as I turned a nice shade of grey…and opted not to let out a blood curdling scream.....)

Broadstreet 10 Miler
Sunday, May 3rd
Great race… great friends… rain… fun… don’t cough on me you slob …. 26,000 people….great to be paced for 7 miles by the cupcake… for goodness sake.. could she at least PRETEND she is tired… or look like shit or something! The cupcake then proceeded to take the last two miles or so… and bring about almost a 2 min lead on me… I need what the cupcake has… perhaps she is part Kenyan.... I must research this…

Joe did a phenomenal job… even though he had some difficulties to over come with tired legs and a higher than normal heart rate… he continues to impress me with his natural ability to go long and FAST…I got to keep an eye on this one…….

Broadstreet 10 Mile Race Results

Warwick Trail Race
Wednesday, May 6th
Signed up to run the Warwick 5K Trail Run as my speed run for the week.. and for the free PIZZA! .... HELLO I am a DEER....and I DO IT FOR PIZZA! Great run... love racing through the woods jumping logs, stones and climbing big ole hills...

Warwick Trail 5K


Vanguard 10K Race
Saturday, May 9th
OK.. so yes I am a RACE WHORE… can't help it..!!... I just sign up for as many races as I can that will fit into my schedule… and OH... use the excuse that they are training runs….this logic works for me.... somehow..

..... I found out at mile 2... that this race was rather hilly... and it was starting to get HOT out....I wanted to cry.......I was propelled by an unknown force... to keep going...thinking what is wrong with me... ?.... perhaps I was born upside down? Or backwards? .... maybe I should have been SMACKED MORE... as the heat and humidity bore a new hole in my skull…I finished strong in a decent 52.45...DONE… enough that sh-t.... home to plant flowers and for a two hour bike ride... sigh… life is good.

Vanguard 10K Race Results
You may have to type this into your web browser had a problem linking it to blog

Monday, May 4, 2009

KUNG FU Fighting

People were almost fist fighting at the YMCA this am.. it was SOO crowded… each lane had two people and some had three… and of course the normal buttheads, a bunch of older guys who EVERY morning I see them.. they hog up four lanes.. and according to the life guard are there for 2 hours… they occasionally swim, but mostly every time I look over they have stopped to take “Breaks” and are socializing with each other… patting themselves on their backs for their wonderful wonderfulness… .

I was lucky I got in a lane with a man who swam like a frog.. he prevented anyone else from wanting to join our lane.. which gave me time to squeeze in a mile without people GLARING at me… and I looked FAST next to him!!! HA… let the others fight…

People are soo strange at the Y… the other day this guy in the next lane.. jumps in the shallow end.. feet first… like isn’t it only 3 feet in the shallow end..??? And did he not just shove his go-nads into his head by doing that..??? … so after he jumps in the pool feet first.... he proceeds to dolphin dive down the lane creating a giant tsunami across the entire pool until mid way he changes over to something of a regular swim stroke.. and WTF.. …?

So thus my morning swims are always an adventure of some sort… oh yeah and for the elderly chick in the two piece skimpy swim suit.. WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING??

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Snuck ONE in

Thankfully, somehow even though I detest getting up early in the morning, I drug my OLD HAG ASS out of bed every day last week EARLY.... swam 3 mornings, biked 2 days, and intermixed 4 runs....

...My butt was feeling a whole lotta hurt.. but it’s SLOWLY managing to adjust again to sitting on the blasted bike seat...and WHOSE brain storm was it create that itty bitty bike seat.. ??! one’s ass is that small !!!

... My swim stroke is continuing it’s love affair with creating me into a fine sea horse.... (
the world's slowest fish is the sea horse. It travels .001 miles per hour. It would take the fish about an hour to swim only five feet.) ... me I am S-L-O-W and steady... and all the big chicks lap me... but I am getting stronger again.. I can feel it.. (sure lack of oxygen can cause this too..)

So what to do.. ??....feeling strong...feeling “euphoric”.... I decided on the sly to do a 5K race midweek (aka: last Thursday).... as my speed run.. I mean...why not.. ?...I needed motivation to actually FORCE myself to do the speed workout... and it was for a good cause.. AND was directed by one of my favorite race directors, Wayne Kursh of Races 2 Run... so I thought yeah.. ok.. WHY NOT!! ...I will drive to Wilmington, DE after work, partake in this 5K and viola my speed work will be done for the night!
Well. ..what I didn’t count on was the drastic drop in temps.. NORMALLY colder temps would not be a problem but I had started my “heat acclimation” training for Eagleman.. which is basically I would try and run at the hottest point of the day (when I could) so I could get my body used to the heat... if a day was cooler than 70 I would dress in long sleeves, gloves and hat to simulate 70+... so been doing this for about a week and well this race just so happen to be in the low 50’s with winds... ... PERFECT running weather.. ALAS though NOT when you are heat acclimating and not when I was expecting it to be 70 and didn’t pack my simulation gear.. ..So I am in basically in my short shorts, race singlet and freezing my butt off. ..oh well..

Prior to the race I had reviewed my training aspirations for the evening with a mentor who suggested I try and pace evenly.. a 7.24 mile pace for each of the 3.1 miles... yeah sure not a problem... and through chattering teeth I lined up to run.... I noticed a former Olympic runner, who lives in Wilmington, and her elite running partner were both running this race..I am sure the matching race singlets and synchronized warm up didnt cause any undue attention.. but I knew the women.. I had seen them before... and knew their specs.. amazing how I can somehow memorize the entire list of specs for a competitor but can’t remember my own freaking home phone number... GRR...either case I knew they both ran low 6’s and both were in my age group.

So what do you do if a former Olympian jumps in your race.. ??? you get pissed or do you feel honored?... I mean pissed because you would think they got enough glory and attention when they were in the Olympics and why bother with a small local 5K.. isnt that just showing off??.. because aint no one NORMAL running as fast as you... or should I feel honored that I get to run with someone so talented and blessed to have gotten into the Olympics...???

Me.. I didn’t feel either... not pissed nor honored...I just kinda was... like I saw them.. knew that they would blow me out of my age group...and oh well... So off we go.. keeping my mind on the consistent 7.24 pace...

Although I didn’t hit the specs at all correctly (too fast, then too slow, and then too fast again... LOTS to work on in that area).... I did have a chance to work on my race tactics (hunter, hunt, be hunted)... and came in a decent 23.51 (7.41 pace avg)...

So what were the end results..???... the former Olympian.. she won overall... yeah 1st even outta men.. her sidekick got first in my age group, I got second.. me kicking out a ¼ mile pass to beat the third place woman in my age group..(thus race tactics)... and so snuck in my speed workout and it was “FUN”.

Now to get to bed early in order to start another FUN week... I somehow signed up for a 5K trail race and later in the week a 10K...

PS: Heather’s Graduation and Broadstreet stories hopefully forthcoming this week!)

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...