Friday, December 19, 2008


Picked up the Christmas Tree on the way home last night.. the "REAL TREE".. the one that Santa puts the presents under.. ..and yeah so OK.. I KNOW I HAVE 15+ other trees decorated in the house.. BUT they ARE NOT the SANTA TREE…. !!! ....They are A-R-T-I- F-C-I-A-L …. But JEEZ US.. when did you have to take a bank loan out to buy a live Christmas tree????........

I stopped at the first Christmas Tree thievery place .... the place I usually stop… and asked the prices.. ..WELL.. the Douglas Firs are…bla..bla..bla…per foot…. and then the Blue Spruces….are like….bla… bla… bla.. and WHOA buddy… me no RELAT-O… how much is THAT TREE.. ????.....I point to a cute, not overly large tree…he brings out a GIANT RULER… hmm.. well… its.. almost 9 feet.. and soo.. hmmm….that would be $85 dollars… my EYEBALLS almost popped outta my head… R they F- kidding me.. ??????... DO they realize it’s NOT dipped in gold.. right???...

So the man asks.. what SIZE you looking for???... Um… size is not the problem.. PRICE... like (as my voice gets quieter.. and now I am at a whisper).. like around $50? …why do I hear crickets? ….my cheeks are a bit flush.. perhaps the tree for me is just not here… thanks… bye..

So a bit dejected and a BIT annoyed… I leave the thieves...WITHOUT a Christmas Tree… Bunch of money grubbing #@*^*^…

So thinking I am just not sure WHAT to do…. I come across a brightly lit area near my home… HMM.. looks like they have trees too.. oh heck why not.. so I stop… I slosh around the mud and check out the trees… they are all marked.. ok.. that’s better at least I don’t have to freaking guess what the price is.. ok so I am not a moron … the guy comes over and says $10 off any tree $60 and over.. .. I aint great at gambling.. in fact.. I usually lose so… .I picked me out a freaking tree…stuff it in the truck and with a SMILE ...and $62 lighter… feeling like I got me a deal… !!

PS: YES D.D. ....I do realize thats like 4 race entries

PSS: M.H... I do all this decorating for..?? (I get back to ya on that)

PSSS: D.P & G.P.....YES.. it's necessary that I have these many trees!!!!!!

PSSSS: J.M.. thanks honey for my tree... I LOVE IT!!!... stringing popcorn tonight!

Selected - Chicago Marathon 2021

Exciting.... after trying for a number of years to get into the Chicago Marathon... I was finally selected!!! So now to figure out the best ...